
   2014-07-07 0
核心提示:  在中国,如果两个陌生人相遇,比如两个人同坐一张桌子吃饭,一般两个人都会相互看一眼,而后或进行简朴交流,或各自埋头吃饭。  The usual response is to behave in a friendly and natural manner, glancing at the ot
  The usual response is to behave in a friendly and natural manner, glancing at the other person, perhaps saying 'hello' and exchanging small talk or remaining silent.
  If you try hard to avoid the other's glance or you look out of the window as if nobody sat nearby, you would appear so uneasy and so unnatural that you might lay yourself open to suspicion!来源:考
  To gaze intently may show your attentiveness, but is not that necessary. The best way is to look at him or her as naturally as he or she looks at you.
  Some of them, perhaps because of nervousness, like to bury their nose in their manuscript to read their speech all the time.
  Speaking in public is also a kind of two-way communication, which needs eye contact from both sides. The speaker will certainly feel embarrassed when he sees that his audience do not look at him. But if he doesn't look at his audience now and then, his audience also has the right not to listen to what he is saying.
  You may look at the approaching strangers until they are about eight feet away, then your glances must veer away as they pass.
  当众发言的时分, 他们是不会把脑袋埋在稿子里面说话的。
  A British lecturer should look at his audience now and then.
  gaze -means to direct your eyes towards something for a long time. 注视;注视
  stare -suggests to fix your eyes on somebody or something very deliberately. It can be impolite to stare at somebody. 盯着;聚精会神地看
  peer -means to look very closely and suggests that it is difficult to see well. 窥视
  gawk -is often used to show disapproval and means to look at someone or something in a foolish way especially with your mouth open. 呆呆地看着
  glance- to take a quick look at something. 扫视;瞥一眼 考试大论坛
  peep -means to look at something very quickly, especially secretly or quietly. 偷看
  inspect- means to examine something closely. 检查;审视
  feast your eyes -to look at something because you are pleased to see it. 饱眼福
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