C: 对啊,有一次我赶到电梯门口时,门几乎已经关上了,里面的人看到我,赶紧按了Open的键,才让我开会没迟到。
A: As an added courtesy, offer to push the appropriate floor for the people who can't reach the buttons.
C: 其实这些都是最基本的礼节嘛。
A: One last thing...when the elevator arrives and the door opens, stand back. Give people room to exit. Besides if you don't, you could get run over.
C: Amy, 说了这么多,能总结一下坐电梯的规矩吗?
A: Elevator etiquette is simple. Be considerate. If you will be exiting soon, stand near the door. If you will be one of the last to get off, stand near the back.
C: 总而言之,坐电梯也要讲礼貌,让大家都感到方便。