
   2014-04-14 0

Tanya: I assume we don’t need to worry ab0ut creating a need, with summer almost here.

Carla: Right. As for the marketing mix, we’ll package itin gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulatechocolate, and price it 20% higher than ourchocolate-covered ice-cream bar. It’ll be introducedin selected places across the country starting nextmonth. The main promotion will be throughadvertising, using a ‘pull’ strategy, of course. Wehaven’t finalized our ads yet, so I’ll have to let youknow. Can we meet again the beginning of nextweek?

Tanya: Sure can. Let me check ... how ab0ut Tuesdaymorning at 10:30?

Carla: Uh, let’s see ... okay with me.

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