
   2014-06-20 0
核心提示:Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices. 《福布斯》杂志曾邀请一组建筑师和校园想象师评比出

Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices.

Kenyon College

Gambier, Ohio, US

Mike Evans, a principal at Norfolk, Va., design firm Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company, says to be beautiful a campus must have a “signature campus space as a carrier of the campus brand.” At Kenyon College, that space is “Middle Path,” a 10-foot-wide footpath that serves as the Gothic hilltop campus’ central artery. More than just a trail, it’s a village green for the tight-knit campus community. Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky, who teaches 17th-century poetry at Kenyon, says the college, both isolated and pastoral, is “a small place to think big thoughts.”
弗吉尼亚州诺福克Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas +建筑想象事务所主管迈克埃文斯表示,一所幸福的校园必须具备一个“标志性校园场地来作为校园品牌的载体”,这才能担得起“最美校园”的名头。在凯尼恩学院,这个地方便是一条十英尺宽、名为“中间道路”的人行道,它是这所坐落于山顶的哥特式校园的主干道。这不仅仅是一条小路,在人际关系密切的校园里,它还是一处田园绿地。在凯尼恩学院讲授17世纪诗歌的谢尔盖洛巴诺夫-罗斯托夫斯基表示,这所与世隔绝的田园式学院,可谓是“琢磨大想法的小地方”。


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