
   2022-02-21 21英语网0
核心提示:Very Peri is the Year of Color in 2022. TUCHONGAs you’ve grown up, has your favorite color changed?长大后,你最喜欢的颜色变了吗?Colors can represent different feelings and mindsets. That’s why more than 20 years ago, the Pantone Color Ins

Very Peri is the Year of Color in 2022. TUCHONG

As you’ve grown up, has your favorite color changed?

Colors can represent different feelings and mindsets. That’s why more than 20 years ago, the Pantone Color Institute decided to choose a color every December to represent the feelings of the coming year. And it has really caught on. On Dec 9, their color for 2022 was released – Very Peri.

A mix of a warm blue with a violet red, Very Peri is energetic yet tranquil. The “peri” part of its name comes from Periwinkle, which is an indigo-colored species of flower.

Very Peri “symbolizes the future”, said Pantone Color Institute’s Executive Director Leatrice Eiseman. As the world still deals with the pandemic and the changes it has brought, this has forced a new kind of creativity, which Eiseman called “courageous creativity”, in an interview with CNN.

Very Peri “has that sprightly, joyous attitude ... that carefree confidence, and creative spirit ... It introduces an empowering feeling of newness, and newness is what we’re looking for”, Eiseman added.

Each year, Pantone analyzes the trends and happenings of the world to find the most symbolic color, and for 2022, it’s all about the impact of the digital world. The blue with ultra-red embodies the glow of digital screens, reported People’s Daily. This shows how our physical and digital lives are coming together in new ways, such as through gaming and the metaverse, said Pantone in their press release.

To represent this coming together, Pantone decided to create a new color this year, instead of reaching into their archive making Very Peri the first ever “created” color of the year.

You may be thinking, it’s just a color, why are colors that important anyway? “Color is such an integral part of our everyday lives, but we take it for granted,” said Eiseman to CNN.

Eiseman has built a career out of color. Using her knowledge of different colors and training in psychology, she has helped countless companies choose colors for their product development and brand image. The thinking is that if you get the colors right, people will be more attracted to your products.

Among other places, you’ll be able to see Very Peri on a range of Microsoft services and software, such as digital screensavers and on PowerPoint, reported CNN.

标签: 仙女 色彩
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