俄罗斯保安上班无聊给名画化“眼睛”,致价值百万画作被毁Faceless painting worth £750k ruined after 'bored' security guard

   2022-02-11 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:俄罗斯一名保安在上班第一天就毁了一幅价值74万英镑(约合人民币637万元)的油画。这幅名为《Three Figures》(1932-1934)的画作在叶利钦中心

俄罗斯一名保安在上班第一天就毁了一幅价值74万英镑(约合人民币637万元)的油画。这幅名为《Three Figures》(1932-1934)的画作在叶利钦中心展出时,被一名无聊的保安用圆珠笔在画中三个人物中的两人脸上画上了眼睛,目前专家正在对其进行修复。

《Three Figures》

A painting worth £740,000 has been destroyed after a ‘bored’ security guard drew eyes on faceless figures depicted in the artwork at a Russian gallery.

On his first day on the job, the security guard had drawn two pairs of eyes with a ballpoint pen onto artist Anna Leporskaya’s ‘Three Figures’ (1932–1934) painting during an abstract art exhibition at the Yeltsin Center in the city of Yekaterinburg, western Russia.
在上班的第一天,在俄罗斯西部的叶卡捷琳堡市叶利钦中心举行的抽象艺术展上,一名保安用圆珠笔在艺术家安娜•莱波尔斯卡娅的画作《Three Figures》 (1932–1934)上画了两对眼睛。

被损坏的《Three Figures》

The painting was defaced by a security guard, who has not been named but is believed to be 60-years-old, who worked for a private security company, the Yeltsin Center said in a statement.

'The Birth of a New Art’ at the Yeltsin Center spotted the extra details to two of the three figures on the 1930s painting on December 7 last year, reports the Art Newspaper.

The painting, which was on loan from the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, was damaged by the security guard after he is said to have became bored on his first day. He has since been fired.

The identity of the suspect has only been revealed now as a security guard by the Yeltsin Centre, although they did not name the worker.

The work was then sent to the Moscow gallery the next day and was inspected by an art restorer.

Police have now opened an investigation for vandalism, with comes with a £395 fine and a one-year correctional labour sentence.

The painting is being restored, the damage, according to the restoration expert at State Tretyakov Gallery, can be eliminated without any long-term damage to the artwork.

The damage to the painting and cost of restoration has been estimated at £2,470.

It is unclear how much the painting is worth, but it was insured with the Alfa insurance company for £740,000.

It has been reported that the company where the security guard worked is paying for the restoration.



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