
   2022-02-05 21英语网0












"While athletes trained for the Olympics for many years, American politicians just willfully say they won't come, which simply shows how narrow-minded they are. The greatness of China is something they can never boycott."




"Sports are simply just sports; why should they be politicized? Moreover, the so-called 'democracy standards' are not set by the American government."




对此,北京市民白先生在接受采访时先是表示:“首先肯定的是,新疆没有所谓的 ‘种族灭绝’这种行为,反观美国才是真正灭绝了它的原住民,这才是人尽皆知的事实。”




"The Winter Olympic Games are a fanfare for all the winter sports-lovers, and it's about sport spirit. Using it as an excuse for political manipulation is quite hilarious."




"As a native Beijing resident, I'll treat guests from all over the world just like in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Those athletes toiled through difficulties for the competition and all the Chinese people will support them in a kind manner."





"Excellent view points articulated by people of Beijing. I am surprised BBC China airs it. Would they air it, with subtitles, in BBC World News? I doubt it."





"They won't air it to its English viewers because those comments are not twisted in their view of China and Chinese. They would air anything that is government bashing."






当他询问店铺里的北京市民“中国恢复得如何”时,一位北京大哥笑着答道:“就是严防控制呗,反正比你们国家强多了。” 大哥的这段回答当时在社交媒体爆火。









International Olympic Committee (IOC) senior member Dick Pound said he had no regrets about China being selected to host the 2022 Winter Games.


"In the sense of having a host country that could organize and put on an excellent Games from a Games perspective, there's absolutely nothing wrong with China," Pound told Germany's Deutschlandfunk radio, "It's a very good and very organised country."







The 10th Olympic Summit on Dec 11 firmly stood behind the International Olympic Committee (IOC), supporting its stance against any politicization of the Olympic Games and sport. The summit "strongly emphasized the need for the political neutrality of the IOC, the Olympic Games and the entire Olympic Movement". 


The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will be the start of a new era for global winter sports.





外交部发言人赵立坚20日表示,举办一届简约、安全、精彩的北京冬奥会是人心所向,个别国家利用北京冬奥会搞政治作秀和政治操弄的做法注定不会得逞(Certain countries’ moves to use the event for political stunt and manipulation are doomed to fail.)。










With the fast-approaching Beijing Winter Olympic Games, winter sports athletes are looking forward with eager excitement to the grand event. Athletes from all around the world are welcome to compete in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, including those from the US. The Chinese side will ensure the safety and convenience of all athletes and provide support to each and every one of them in the pursuit of their Olympic dream. We hope that they will be able to excel themselves with their best performance.




There has been a growing chorus from the international community of supporting the Beijing Winter Olympics and rejecting politicizing sports recently. On December 2, the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus the resolution on Olympic Truce for the Beijing Winter Games that was co-sponsored by 173 countries. On December 11, the 10th Olympic Summit held by the IOC again voiced the call from the international sports community for supporting the Beijing Winter Olympics and opposing the politicization of sports. Multilateral mechanisms including the G20, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the China-CELAC Forum and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have expressed firm support to the Beijing Winter Olympics. Dignitaries including UN Secretary-General Guterres and Russian President Putin have confirmed that they will attend the event in Beijing. French President Macron and others explicitly expressed the opposition to politicizing sports. Government officials from countries including the ROK, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka pointed out that the Olympic Games is not a place for ideological confrontation, but a platform for closer friendship and cooperation between countries, and said they believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a spectacular and splendid gathering for sports lovers all over the world. Officials of national Olympic committees in many countries, including the ROK, France, Finland, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Belarus, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba all said they are looking forward to a successful Winter Olympics in Beijing. 




All the countries and people following the Olympic spirit have confirmed with their real actions that to hold a streamlined, safe and splendid Winter Olympics in Beijing is the shared aspiration of all. Certain countries’ moves to use the event for political stunt and manipulation are doomed to fail.




标签: 大妈 北京
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