
   2022-02-05 21英语网0
核心提示:如何戳穿一些所谓“中国专家”的西方反华媒体和学者的嘴脸?近日,居住在中国苏州的英国视频博主常鹰(Curt McArdle),用一张中国社保卡在海外社交媒体“钓鱼”,结果轻松“钓”到了一波反华媒体和所谓的“中国问题专家”。他拍摄视频分享了这次经历,在中国

如何戳穿一些所谓“中国专家”的西方反华媒体和学者的嘴脸?近日,居住在中国苏州的英国视频博主常鹰(Curt McArdle),用一张中国社保卡在海外社交媒体“钓鱼”,结果轻松“钓”到了一波反华媒体和所谓的“中国问题专家”。他拍摄视频分享了这次经历,在中国和海外社交媒体上引发热议。


British YouTuber, Curt McArdle, who lives in China duped three "prominent" China experts into believing that a card with bold Chinese characters translated to "social security card" written on it was a "positive content payment card" from the Chinese government. McArdle shared the story on why and how he orchestrated the prank in a video and uploaded it online which later sparked heated discussions in China and abroad.








他想了一招,向国外一个反华社交账号发了张自己的中国社保卡照片,称这是一张“好评返现卡(positive content payment card)”,也就是只要发表关于中国的正面言论,便可凭此卡获得中国政府的资助。他还假装自己最近没有收到“宣传费”,令自己看上去是一些外媒口中“中国政府雇用的宣传人员”:







As one of the foreigners being smeared and attacked online, McArdle decided to fight back with a prank — he left messages for some social media accounts that usually engage in disinformation about China, in which he pretended to be hired by the Chinese government and sent a picture of a social security card in China with the message, "Hi mate, I'm still using the same 'positive content payment card' I got at our last meeting but I haven't been paid this month. Let me know what I can do to fix it." He continued to write that he had sent the message to the wrong person and inquired how to delete the message.


没想到,该反华媒体账号真的 “上钩”了。












Although the Chinese characters of "Social Security Card" are so boldly printed on the card, anyone with any level of proficiency in Chinese would understand that it has nothing to do with bank accounts but can be used for medical and elderly insurance; some people have been fooled and caught flat-footed.


Luke de Pulford, who claimed to be a human rights campaigner in the UK, particularly "in the areas of modern slavery and human rights abuses in China" reposted a screen shot that showed McArdle's messages and commented, "Is this… for real?" Magnus Fiskesjö, who claims to be a teacher from the Cornell University and whose research concerns ethnic relations and political anthropology in China and Southeast Asia, commented, "How pro-regime trolls get paid." And Solomon Yue, a Chinese American Republican Party activitist, also posted the screenshot of McArdle's message and later made several posts to mock McArdle.






Seeing these people get duped by such a simple trick made McArdle laugh for a whole day. 


He shared this story on a video and uploaded it on his YouTube account on January 18. As of press time, the video has received more than 14,655 views and attracted lots of attention in China and beyond.






“These are the experts. These people know nothing about life in China. Anyone who spent time here will know that is a social security card. Anyone who is an expert on a country should at least be able to read the language. It's really really concerning that these are the amplified voices on China. These are the people that BBC and New York Times, CNN will speak to and they will quote. They will treat them like they are the authority on China. And they can't read the language, they don't know anything about life here,” McArdle said.


"My gut instinct has always been that these people don't even really believe the things they say. They are opportunists who capitalize on people's ignorance to make a bit of money."
















与常鹰有过类似经历的加拿大视频博主丹尼尔·邓布尔(Daniel Dumbrill)也在推特发文声援常鹰。








Despite the discussions over the incident, none of the above "China experts" contacted McArdle.


"I'm always happy for a debate with people, so it's a pity that they didn't feel comfortable doing so. I think they would rather just pretend it didn't happen," said McArdle. 




标签: 翻车 中国
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