
   2022-02-05 21英语网0
核心提示:Sun Zhuo talks with his parents in Shenzhen on Dec 6 after being reunited. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILYIn the 2014 movie Dearest, a couple’s quest for their lost son touched the hearts of thousands of viewers. The story is actually based on a r

Sun Zhuo talks with his parents in Shenzhen on Dec 6 after being reunited. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

In the 2014 movie Dearest, a couple’s quest for their lost son touched the hearts of thousands of viewers. The story is actually based on a real event, which has now come to a tearful but happy ending in real life.

After searching for their abducted son for 14 years, Sun Haiyang and his wife Peng Siying were reunited with their now 18-year-old son in Shenzhen on Dec 6.

Hugging his son excitedly, Sun said that he was so happy to have finally found him. “I’ve been to so many places looking for him over the past 14 years. I couldn’t sleep well and always worried about him. Before the reunion ceremony, I could only remember him as a 4-year-old,” he said after the reunion ceremony.

On Oct 9, 2007, Sun Haiyang’s son Sun Zhuo was abducted by a man while playing in front of the family home at dusk.

Since then, Sun Haiyang and his wife never gave up searching for their son. They even offered a reward of up to 200,000 yuan for anyone who found the boy.

“Over the past 14 years, I checked every clue anyone gave me,” Sun said. “Sometimes, I would be disappointed if I didn’t get a phone call for a few days. I was happy even when liars called me, saying they would exchange clues for a reward. At least that gave me a glimmer of hope.”

In a Weibo post, Zhang Yi, who was cast in the movie Dearest, congratulated the family on the reunion. “I always worried about the son after the movie ended. I cried when I watched the live broadcast of their reunion today. I want to send my appreciation to the police and hope there are no more abductions,”Zhang wrote.

The reunion of the family has been attributed to the Shenzhen police’s efforts. In October, police located a man from Yanggu county, Shandong province, who they suspected had abducted Sun Zhuo. A teenager in the county was located who was similar in appearance to the young Sun Zhuo in childhood photos.

DNA tests confirmed that the young man was Sun Zhuo, police said. The suspect has been detained as further investigations get underway.

Two other families were also reunited with their abducted boys at the reunion ceremony held by the Ministry of Public Security. Ministry officials pledged to do their utmost to resolve abduction cases, find missing children and crack down on such crimes.

From January to November, public security bodies nationwide resolved over 290 child abduction cases and arrested over 690 suspects as part of a campaign to locate missing people that was launched at the beginning of the year, the ministry said.

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