72岁老人为妻子打造旋转房屋,可实现360度自由观景Man builds rotating house so his wife can change the view

   2021-10-13 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:Embed Video波黑一位72岁的老人自学成才,用电动机和旧军用运输车的轮子设计建造了一栋旋转房屋,只为让妻子欣赏到不同视角的风景。网友直呼:这是什么极致浪
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Vojin Kusic built the home in Srbac, northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, for his wife Ljubica, who has a penchant for changing views.

“After I reached an advanced age and after my children took over the family business, I finally had enough time to task myself with granting my wife her wish,” Kusic said, according to AP.


This is not the first time Kusic built a house for his family. When they first married he had built a regular, non-rotating home, where he and his wife raised their three children.

At the time, his wife wanted their bedroom to face the sun, but this meant their living room faced away from the road.

After some time, this issue proved too much and Kusic had to get to work to switch the entire house around.

“I had to tear down the wall between our two bedrooms to turn them into a living room and move all (electrical) installations,” he said.

"It was a very demanding task, it took a lot from me, but I did what she wanted."

When the family moved, Kusic said he had learnt his lesson the first time around and, not wanting to have to switch the home around again, decided a rotating house would solve the problem.

“Once again, this time on the ground floor, I had to start tearing down some walls, at which point, to not wait for her to change her mind again, I decided to build a new, rotating house so that she can spin it as she pleases,” Kusic said.


“Now, our front door also rotates, so if she spots unwanted guests heading our way, she can spin the house and make them turn away,” he joked.

Having never had the chance to go to university, Kusic designed and built the rotating house by himself using electric motors and the wheels of an old military transport vehicle.



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