吃货看过来:能把啤酒变成冰淇淋的神奇机器Inventor creates machine that turns beer and spirits into soft-serve ice cream

   2021-07-10 中国日报网英语点津0



Photo: Below Zero/Facebook


Getting drunk on ice cream used to be the stuff of dreams, but thanks to Will Rogers, inventor and owner of WDS Dessert Stations in Hinkley, Illinois, it has become a delicious reality. The Below Zero ice cream machine uses a unique technique to freeze alcohol, which allows you to turn beers, cocktails and even spirits into delicious soft-serve ice cream.

吃冰淇淋吃到醉在过去是做梦才会发生的事,但是多亏了美国伊利诺斯州辛克利WDS 甜品站老板威尔·罗杰斯,这个美味的梦已经成真。罗杰斯发明的“零度之下”冰淇淋机采用独特的技术来冷冻酒精饮料,让你可以将啤酒、鸡尾酒甚至烈酒变成口感柔软的冰淇淋。


Rogers was trying to create a highly-caffeinated espresso ice cream flavor when he realized he could use the same technique with alcoholic beverages. He started experimenting with various gums and stabilizers commonly used in the ice cream industry and eventually patented something called the NEA gel. It’s this magical concoction that allows the alcohol to freeze to a near solid inside the Below Zero ice cream machine.



Photo: Below Zero/Facebook


Even though Below Zero changes the texture of beer, cocktails and even spirits, essentially turning them into soft-serve ice cream, it does not affect the alcohol content at all. The ABV remains exactly the same, which means you can get drunk on ice-cream just as you would on the same concoctions in liquid form.



Will Rogers claims that it takes around 30 minutes for beer to go from liquid to ice cream form, but higher alcohol content drinks take longer. Essentially, the higher the alcohol level, the longer the wait.



Photo: Below Zero/Facebook


The American inventor plans to sell Below Zero ice cream machines to bars and breweries wanting to surprise their patrons. Metro reports that machines will sell for about $6,000.



英文来源:Oddity Central


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