科学家发明生命计算器:假如死亡能预测,你想知道自己的寿命还剩多久吗?Online calculator developed that can predict when older adults wil

   2021-07-08 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:假如死亡能预测,你想知道自己的寿命还剩多久吗? 在2015年上映的一部比利时奇幻喜剧电影中,上帝的女儿为了反抗父亲的压迫,将人类的死亡日期发到他们的手机上。





据英国《镜报》报道,科学家们在《加拿大医学协会杂志》(Canadian Medical Association Journal)发布了一项研究成果,称他们已经研发出基于大数据的生命预测系统,能够预测6个月内的死亡概率。

An online calculator that can help predict when older adults will die has been developed.

这套算法被命名为“风险评估支持:社区老年人寿命预测工具(Risk Evaluation for Support: Predictions for Elder-Life in the Community Tool ,简称RESPECT)”。



The data is based on more than 491,000 older adults who used home care between 2007 and 2013 and is focused on people who are likely to die within the next five years.

The calculated life expectancy can be as low as four weeks for people who are very frail.

People are asked whether they have been diagnosed with diseases like stroke, dementia, or hypertension and whether abilities to carry out tasks over three months had decreased.

The ability to make decisions is also asked and whether they have suffered vomiting, swelling, shortness of breath, unplanned weight loss, dehydration or loss of appetite.

Researchers found declines in a person's ability to carry out activities of daily living were stronger predictors of six-month mortality than the diseases that a person has.



Dr Amy Hsu, an investigator at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada, said: "The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan.

"For example, it can help an adult child plan when to take a leave of absence from work to be with a parent or decide when to take the last family vacation together."

Dr Peter Tanuseputro, at the Ottawa Hospital, said: "Knowing how long a person has to live is essential in making informed decisions about what treatments they should get and where they should get them.

"As a person gets closer to death, the balance shifts from having curative care as the primary goal, to care that maximizes a person's quality of remaining life."



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