
   2021-07-02 21英语网0
核心提示:Jinggangshan is developing research tours. PROVIDED TO TEENS“Jinggangshan boasts both red and green treasures. It’s China’s first rural revolutionary base, but it’s also more than that. Jinggangshan is rich in forest resources, which al

Jinggangshan is developing research tours. PROVIDED TO TEENS

“Jinggangshan boasts both red and green treasures. It’s China’s first rural revolutionary base, but it’s also more than that. Jinggangshan is rich in forest resources, which also attracts many tourists,” said Mao Haofu, Jinggangshan revolutionary site interpreter.

Located on Jiangxi province’s southwestern border, the city is characterized by high mountains and dense forests. With 86 percent forest coverage, the city earned the nickname “Natural Oxygen Bar”.

Gutian, a quaint village of Jinggangshan, is close to the expressway and adjacent to many red tourist sites, but it has explored its own approach to tourism. “Gutian Research and Tourism Base Project, with a total investment of 126 million yuan, is a rural tourism complex integrated with education, farming experience and leisure,” Xie Yanjun, director of the project, told TEENS. From grinding tofu to weaving Red Army straw sandals, students can get a taste of farming life while learning about “red culture”. Born and raised in a city with such a rich history of the Red Army, Xie always felt a natural affinity for the local people and the city. He hopes tourism can help villagers live a better life.

Red-themed tourism is booming in 2021, and young people are the main force. According to the Tongcheng Tourist website, students under 14 accounted for 5.4 percent and people aged 20 to 39 accounted for 57.3 percent of tourists on red-themed routes. The number of tourists to Jiangxi, where Jinggangshan is a hot destination, increased by 300 percent in year-on-year growth during May Day holiday, according to Beijing Youth Daily.

The hands-on experience in the Jinggangshan research tour offers students a taste of the glory days. Zhou Yixuan, 16, from Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada visited Jinggangshan in April. “I weaved straw sandals and walked on the mud road, which made me experience the difficulties the Red Army faced,” said Zhou.

As the cradle of China’s revolution, Jinggangshan stands out among the red tourist sites. “Every household here has a red story; everyone here is the successor of the Red Army,” said Mao.

His grandfather, Mao Binghua, served as the curator of Jinggangshan Revolution Museum’s for 21 years. During a holiday at home at the beginning of 2017, Mao Haofu accompanied his grandfather, who was 88 years old but still insisted on working despite the cold, on field research in Beijing and Hebei province. The experience influenced him deeply and served as an incentive for him to quit his job in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi, and return to Jinggangshan to pursue his calling – following his grandfather’s footsteps.
毛浩夫的祖父毛秉华曾担任井冈山革命博物馆馆长长达21年。2017年初,毛浩夫休假在家陪伴祖父,当时88岁高龄的老人家仍冒着严寒坚持工作,在北京、河北等地进行实地调研。这段经历深深地影响了毛浩夫,他辞去了在江西省会南昌的工作,回到家乡追寻自己的使命 —— 沿着祖父的足迹前行。

标签: 井冈山 初心
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