
   2021-06-19 21英语网0
核心提示:Students are relieved and happy as they leave their gaokao testing site on June 8. XINHUAGaokao, also known as the national college entrance exam, has always attracted a lot of attention. This year, the exam started on June 7. Topics for th

Students are relieved and happy as they leave their gaokao testing site on June 8. XINHUA

Gaokao, also known as the national college entrance exam, has always attracted a lot of attention. This year, the exam started on June 7. Topics for the gaokao composition writing have become a heated topic of public discussion.

The China’s Ministry of Education has issued four versions of exam papers nationwide, and Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Zhejiang province issued their own exam papers.

As this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), “the eight essay questions all emphasize that the youth should take a greater sense of responsibility at this crucial historical juncture,” Chen Zhiwen, an educational expert, told The Paper.

One question is about how to cultivate our moral character, make righteousness a goal and take action to achieve our ideals. “When I first saw it, I suddenly understood the meaning of coming of age,” said Liu Xiaochang, 18, from Zhengzhou Fengyang Foreign Language School in Henan.

“This national exam also tests our ideals regarding our motherland, as well as our responsibility and duty of the times,” she said.

Wang Lingyu, 18, from Subsidiary High School of Taiyuan Normal University, Shanxi province, also wrote an essay about this question.

He believes the ideals of youth are to set a specific goal and strive for it with perseverance. Wang demonstrated his standpoint by exemplifying the old generation who threw themselves into the afforestation movement in northwestern regions in China. “Their goal was to improve local people’s livelihoods, and they did it. “This encouraged us, the new generation, to shoulder more responsibility for our people and the country,” Wang said.
他认为青年的理想应当是一个具体的目标,并且为此不懈努力。王凌宇以老一辈人投入西北的植树造林运动为例,论证了自己的观点。“他们的目标是改善当地人民的生活,他们也的确做到了。这激励了我们新一代人要为国家和人民承担起更多的责任,” 王凌宇说道。

Another essay question is about what “you” could do in an era for making things happen.

Li Yunzhou, 18, from Nanning Experimental School Attached to Peking University, completed his Chinese essay writing in a form of letter that wrote to all of the gaokao candidates.

In his eyes, the youth should carefully fulfill their own duties. “Learning from history, I realize that taking responsibility means to make contributions to the country and the society by doing something that I’m interested in and suitable for. In the future, I wish to have a job involving in scientific research,” Li said.

In his essay, Li mentioned historic figures in the revolutionary era such as Chen Duxiu and his two sons: Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian. “They all upheld a revolutionary spirit, that is, making every effort to pull the country out of danger and carrying responsibilities to realize national independence,” Li said.

“For that, they were even willing to sacrifice their lives,” Li added.

Inspired by the “red spirit”, these coming-of-age teenagers are becoming increasingly patriotic and confident, and write their hearts out in the gaokao. As Chen Duxiu said, “Youth is like the early spring, like the morning sun, like the blooming grass, like the sharp blade fresh off the whetstone.”

These gaokao candidates will strive to play their own part in society and hope to lead China to a better future.

标签: 高考作文 青年
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