研究:安眠药长期服用会失效Sleeping pills do not work in long term, scientists find

   2021-05-13 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:常吃安眠药的人会发现,安眠药貌似越吃越不灵。如今研究证实,安眠药确实不适合长期服用,只有短期内服用才有效,长远来看治疗失眠还是应该求助于认知行为疗法。 [Pho





Sleeping pills prescribed to millions of people every year do not work in the long term, a study has found.



Scientists found no difference in sleep quality or duration between those who took the medication for one to two years.



The research team said that rather than taking such medication long term, patients should receive cognitive behavioural therapy to help them sleep.



Meanwhile, the UK’s Sleep Charity said on Tuesday that the study showed that drugs failed to tackle the root problem.



In the Western world, insomnia is thought to affect between 10 and 30 percent of adults at any one time, according to the Economic and Social Research Council.



The group has also calculated that one in 10 British adults regularly take some kind of sleeping tablet, with an accompanying risk of addiction.



For the new study, published in BMJ Open, a team at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston compared 238 women who had started using medication to tackle insomnia with 447 matched women who were not on sleeping drugs. The average age was 49.5.



Sleep disturbances were defined as difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening and waking up early.



On average, both groups of women reported difficulties on one in three nights, waking frequently two in three nights, and waking up early one in three nights.



Overall, more than 70 percent of women reported disturbed sleep at least three times a week, regardless of whether they were on sleep medication or not.



Around half of the women were current or former smokers and one in five were moderate to heavy drinkers, both of which may affect sleep quality.



A spokesperson for The Sleep Charity said: “While prescription drugs can help with short-term insomnia, and help to break a cycle of poor sleep, it doesn’t tackle the root problem. They really just mask the symptoms.



"With long-term insomnia, lifestyle or behaviour changes usually need to happen which is why cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment.



"Unfortunately, there is very little support for people struggling with sleep difficulties which is why many turn to prescription medications.”





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