“21部动画片含1465处易被模仿危险点”上热搜!网友不淡定了……1,465 examples of behavior that could be harmful to children discov

   2021-04-14 中国日报网英语点津0


The Consumer Rights Protection Committee in East China’s Jiangsu province published a report on Wednesday that said it had discovered 1,465 examples of objectionable behavior that could be harmful to children in 21 Chinese and foreign cartoons broadcast in China.

According to the survey results, there are several main things that parents are unhappy about in cartoons: depictions of violent crime, dangerous behavior that is easily imitated, dark and negative content.

The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig, characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter, which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places.

Some netizens remarked that they did not understand why these parents were making a fuss. However, there have been some incidents in which children have come to harm while imitating cartoons.

In March 2017, a five-year-old girl who was locked at home alone and left to watch cartoons suffered serious injuries after jumping from the 11th floor with an umbrella in imitation of a cartoon scene. Over in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, a 10-year-old girl cut off her younger sister’s nose with an electric saw in March 2016, after watching a similar scene in a cartoon.

The report, based on a survey of parents in the province, has sparked numerous hot discussions on Chinese social media since its release, leading many netizens to once again call for the implementation of a rating system for TV and film content, while other netizens called for parents to supervise their children more instead of just blaming cartoons for any accidents that may occur.




综合来源:扬子晚报,Global Times,观察者网

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