
   2021-04-12 21英语网0
核心提示:这几天,美国多地举行主题为“Stop Asian Hate(停止仇恨亚裔)”的游行集会活动,以此抗议近日在亚特兰大市发生的枪击案,以及近期在美国激增的针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪。 Mourning and anger were on display across the United States last Saturday as people

这几天,美国多地举行主题为“Stop Asian Hate(停止仇恨亚裔)”的游行集会活动,以此抗议近日在亚特兰大市发生的枪击案,以及近期在美国激增的针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪。


Mourning and anger were on display across the United States last Saturday as people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds denounced anti-Asian racism and publicly grieved for Asian women shot dead in Georgia by a white gunman.






From Atlanta and New York to San Francisco and other cities and towns, thousands gathered with signs, candles and flowers grieving for the eight victims-six of them were women of Asian descent-of  last Tuesday's shootings in Atlanta. They demanded authorities crack down on hate crimes against Asians.




案发后,警方在亚特兰大市南部抓获了嫌犯——21岁的男子罗伯特·亚伦·朗(Robert Aaron Long)。根据当地警方消息,这名嫌犯承认了自己的行为,但否认其动机是因为种族仇恨


Local police arrested a 21-year-old white man from Georgia for the shooting incidents at three massage parlors in the Atlanta metropolitan area, which killed eight people, six Asians and two whites.


美国联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)在接受美国国家公共电台(NPR)采访时支持了当地警方的说法,称该案看上去与种族无关


In an interview with NPR, FBI Director Christopher Wray said suspected gunman Robert Aaron Long’s motives are still under investigation, but “it does not appear” race was his reason.



























The attacks came amid a troubling spike in violence against the Asian American community since the coronavirus pandemic. The group Stop AAPI Hate said over the past year there have been nearly 4,000 hate incidents against Asians across the U.S.


美国CNN亚裔记者凌志慧(Lisa Ling)在17日采访中谈及亚特兰大枪击案时直言,自己最近一段时间整夜无法入睡,一家人都生活在恐惧中。“我、我的父母和我的孩子都是亚裔,现在简直就像任人宰割的猎物一样。我们现在整天担惊受怕。”




“When it seems like it’s open season on people who look like me, who look like my parents, who look like my children — it’s really hard to think about anything else.” CNN host Lisa Ling expressed frustration and grief during appearances on her network last week as she discussed the Atlanta spa shootings. 





“Frankly, we’ve been communicating about this for the entire year. And every time I open my social media ... I am seeing and hearing about more attacks on Asian people,” she added.







“Attacks against Asians are happening and they have been happening all of this country. This terrorist in Atlanta knew what he was doing. The people who are attacking Asians know what they are doing. And it’s time for law enforcement and our intelligence community to start ruling this out.”










Chinese-American actress Lucy Liu last Thursday slammed the deadly shootings in Atlanta and the recent surge of threats against Asian communities. She pointed out that "a caste system" still exists in the U.S.



“In America, there is still, in some ways, a caste system where they want to always abbreviate another race. 911, it was about Muslims and against people from the Middle East. And then now it’s about Asians,” she said, “I mean all these communities are not separate. We’re banded together in order to unite.”









Last Friday U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris met with Asian American community leaders in Georgia to express condolences and implore Americans to stand together against hate.




拜登表示,美国面临着种族主义、仇外心理和本土主义等问题。“美国不是仇恨(犯罪)的避风港(Hate can have no safe harbour in America.)。世界上任何地方都不应该有其安全的避风港。我们必须联合起来制止这种行为,”拜登在声明中说,“我们必须改变在我们国家允许歧视存在的法律,我们必须改变我们的想法。”








"Whatever the motivation," Biden said of the reason behind the Atlanta shootings, "we know this, too many Asian Americans have been walking up and down the streets and worrying, waking up each morning the past year feeling their safety and the safety of their loved ones are at stake. They've been attacked, blamed, scapegoated, harassed. They've been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, killed."






And he said Americans should take responsibility for failing to express enough outrage about the targeting of people of Asian descent during the pandemic that has gripped the country.“Because our silence is complicity,” he said. “We cannot be complicit. We have to speak out. We have to act.”




Harris, who herself is of South Asian descent, said prior to Biden, “Xenophobia is real in America, and always has been. Sexism, too.”


图源:Global News视频截图















We saddened to learn that a Chinese citizen died in the shooting spree in Atlanta on March 16. China urges the US side to punish the perpetrator according to law at an early date and do justice to those killed and their beloved ones. In the meantime, the US should take concrete measures to protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the US. Chinese embassy in the United States is following closely the handling of the case and providing assistance to family members of the deceased.


你刚才提到哈里斯副总统关于美国种族主义的有关表态,我认为哈里斯副总统的确说出了美国国内的现实。近几年,美国针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪和种族主义不断上升,发生了很多悲剧。马丁·路德·金博士发表'I have a dream'的演讲已过去近58年,但弗洛伊德们依然'不能呼吸';'9·11'事件已过去近20年,但美国穆斯林依然遭受着歧视性、污名化对待;情发生以来,美国上届政府散播虚假信息和种族歧视的仇恨言论,直接导致的恶果就是在美亚裔饱受系统性种族歧视和仇恨犯罪。


Vice President Harris was telling the truth about the United States. In recent years, hate crimes and racism against Asians have been on the rise in the United States, and many tragedies have taken place. It's been 58 years since Dr Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, however, George Floyd still "can't breathe". Nearly 20 years has passed since the September 11 attacks, Muslim Americans still face discrimination and stigmatization. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the former US administration has spread false information and racist remarks, leading to systematic racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asian-Americans.






Now that the US side has the courage to face up to the problems, it will need determination to solve them. We hope that the US side will match its words with deeds, and take concrete actions to truly protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities, including the Asian community, and prevent them from being discriminated, attacked, hated or even killed. The United States should earnestly fulfill its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, safeguard and protect the legitimate rights of ethnic minorities, and respond to the concerns of the international community with concrete actions.




The White House statement mentioned Uyghurs in Xinjiang. I think Xinjiang-related issues are not about the treatment of the Uyghurs, but about lies and truth. It's nothing short of absurdity that the US side bases its accusations against China on lies and rumors. If the US government could truly care and safeguard the lawful rights of ethnic minorities as China does with the Uyghur and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, the problem of racial discrimination in the US would have been solved long ago. I suggest the US side read the following: the Lies on Xinjiang-related Issues Versus the Truth released by Xinhua News Agency, China's white paper on Xinjiang-related issues, the 30 plus press briefings by the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, reports by the US independent website The Greyzone and French author Maxime Vivas's book To Put an End to Fake News.




The door to Xinjiang is always open. We welcome all, including US personnel, who really want to know Xinjiang's development to visit the region, but we firmly oppose any condescending presumption of guilt.


综合来源:新华网,中国日报,CNN, 纽约时报,CGTN,外交部网站等


标签: 亚裔 美方
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