
   2021-04-12 21英语网0
核心提示:最近,Tiktok上的一个视频火了。故事的主角是一位居住在英国的意大利小哥Giorgio Lo Porto。他发现自己的新邻居经常在弹奏钢琴,他被琴声打动,开始给自己的邻居留言交流。在给邻居的留言中,他表达了自己对于邻居琴声的喜爱,还“点起了歌”:希望能听邻居演


故事的主角是一位居住在英国的意大利小哥Giorgio Lo Porto。他发现自己的新邻居经常在弹奏钢琴,他被琴声打动,开始给自己的邻居留言交流。

在给邻居的留言中,他表达了自己对于邻居琴声的喜爱,还“点起了歌”:希望能听邻居演奏一曲《我心永恒》(My Heart Will Go On)。

图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok


One of the main characters of this story is Giorgio Lo Porto, an Italian living in the UK and making TikTok videos. On January 31st, Giorgio posted a video of him listening to his neighbor playing the piano and it seemed that he was really enjoying the concert.

Then, on February 6th, he posted a follow-up video saying that the day before, he had left a note to his neighbor letting them know that he loved their playing and asking if they could play “My Heart Will Go On.” The neighbor’s answer was clear as we can hear them playing in the background.

很快Giorgio 小哥再次给邻居留言交流。在两人一来一回的留言中,同样会弹钢琴的Giorgio小哥鼓起勇气,邀请邻居与自己隔空合奏:“我一停下来,你就开始”(and I said as soon as I stop, you start)。

图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok

Giorgio小哥先是紧张地弹了一小段《你的心河》(River Flows In You),没想到邻居真的隔空回应了他,两人就这样第一次来了一场隔空合奏。这段合奏被Giorgio发布在了海外版抖音Tik Tok上,观看量目前已经突破了170万!

图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok


图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok



图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok

One day Giorgio finally met his neighbor and it was a 78-year-old widower who lost his wife due to Covid and the apartment in which he was staying was a temporary accommodation until he would sell his house. The only consolation left to Emil was his piano. The reason he was playing at 2 pm and also duetting at that time with Giorgio was because his wife loved it when he played.


图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok

Emil was grateful to Giorgio for keeping him motivated and making him feel less lonely. It is really sad that Emil had to lose his wife like this, especially when we all are feeling lonely as it is. That is why Giorgio promised Emil to play with him on the weekends until he sold his house and needed to move.

爷爷的故事深深打动了Giorgio小哥,他还专门为老爷爷作了一首曲子《Dear Emil》。“相隔一堵墙,两架钢琴,两人彼此都不知道对面的演奏者是谁。但这些都没关系。你也会成为某人黑暗之中的光。”(Two pianos between a wall. Not knowing who was playing. But it didn’t matter. You can be the light to somebody else’s darkness.)

图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok

在Emil爷爷搬走之后,Giorgio继续独自弹着钢琴,然而就在最近,小哥收到了Emil爷爷去世的消息。在Tik Tok上,Giorgio发了这样一段话来怀念Emil爷爷。

“Dear Emil, I knew very little about you, but you changed my life. You gave me back my passion and we shared that with the world. You’ll be in my heart. I’ll keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you’ve been mine too. Bye Emil.”




图源:@giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok

综合来源:Bored panda @giorgio_ip_ Tik Tok


标签: 意大利 邻居
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