
   2021-01-17 21英语网0
核心提示:1月4日,有网友爆料称一名就职于拼多多的22岁女员工,在凌晨1点半下班途中猝死。 随之,话题#拼多多员工猝死#登上微博热搜,引发广泛关注。  A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while






A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital.









As the incident went viral, on Monday an account registered as the company posted a comment on zhihu.com saying, "Everybody is trading life for money; You can choose to stay comfortable but you must bear the result."




The comment was deleted within 30 seconds, but a snapshot of it has gone viral, triggering fierce discussions online.







At 4 p.m. on Monday, the company confirmed that the woman suddenly fainted after getting off work at 1:30 a.m. last Tuesday, and died after six hours of first aid treatment.  





The firm has denied the contents of the post which alleged to have responded to the death on its official account.








Zhihu, a Chinese online Q&A community, confirmed via a post on the platform that the screenshots posted online were indeed sent by Pinduoduo's account on the evening of January 4.


相关话题再次登上微博热搜,阅读量高达6.5亿。有网友调侃道,知乎 “帮砍一刀”。







Subsequently, Pinduoduo reissued a statement, saying that an employee of their marketing cooperation supplier posted the content using the personal mobile phone and that the comments do not represent Pinduoduo's official attitude.


Pinduoduo has also issued a letter of apology written by the alleged errant employee.




Shanghai labor security department started an investigation on Pinduoduo’s employment conditions on Monday, according to the Beijing Youth Daily.










1月4日晚,@央视新闻发表评论,话题 #央视评不能让奋斗变了味#也登上热搜。评论中写道,“我们都知道,幸福是奋斗出来的,但奋斗不只靠激情,也要讲效率,切不能演变成‘拿命换钱’。让员工少熬夜、不透支,用人单位严格规范劳动保障、相关部门加强监管,保护好奋斗者同样重要。



据CGTN报道,近年来,在许多互联网“大厂”,“996”工作方式已成行业“标配”,一些公司则实行“大小周(large and small weeks)”的工作模式。


Since 2019, so-called "996 incidents" have been reported among internet company employees resisting companies implementing coercive overtime work. 


Many other internet giants in China have already implemented the "large and small weeks" model.




The so-called "996" refers to the system of working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 6 days a week, with one hour (or less) for breaks, which means that workers are on the job for more than ten hours per day.




Zhao Jintao, a lawyer from Zhongwen Law Firm, told CGTN that "the 996 system is rooted in enterprises' pursuit of greater economic benefits and with lower labor cost."


赵律师表示,“ ‘996’工作制是不合法的,根据《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》规定,职工每日工作8小时、每周工作40小时。对于超过法定的工作时间,企业应当支付加班费,即平常延时加班支付150%的工资,休息日加班要支付200%的工资,法定节假日加班要支付300%的工资;同时,对于违法延长劳动者工作时间的行为,劳动行政部门可以给与企业警告,并责令限期改正,并可以处以罚款;企业因违法延长工作时间给劳动造成损害的应承担赔偿责任。”


"The 996 system is illegal," Zhao said. "Workers are required to work eight hours a day and 40 hours a week, according to the provisions of the State Council on working hours of employees. For work that exceeds the statutory working hours, companies should pay overtime. On regular work days, 150% of the salary is usually paid for overtime work. Meanwhile, 200% of the salary should be paid overtime on rest days and 300% on statutory holidays. The Labor administrative department may warn companies or impose a fine for any acts that illegally extend employees’ work hours."






"We live in an age when everyone is struggling for a better life, mostly by laboring. It is positive and healthy for society to praise the struggling spirit, because that is how wealth is created and society moves forward. However, the struggling spirit should never be interpreted as 'trading life for money'."




"We struggle for better lives of the people, ourselves included; the people are the ends, not means, of that struggle. If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phrase 'trading life for money' is rather weird because life can never be traded for money."




"It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise. Enterprises must honor the law and respect their employees' rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create wealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create. There should be no room for distorting good practices and statements."




标签: 员工 凌晨
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