
   2020-12-04 21英语网0
核心提示:近日,澳大利亚总理莫里森要求中方就外交部发言人赵立坚在推特引用澳军队残杀阿富汗儿童的漫画道歉,称这是“伪造的”,中国应该为此“感到羞耻”(feel ashamed)。 随后,赵立坚直接在自己的推特页面上置顶了此前发布的图文,敦促澳大利亚对最近的战争罪指

近日,澳大利亚总理莫里森要求中方就外交部发言人赵立坚在推特引用澳军队残杀阿富汗儿童的漫画道歉,称这是“伪造的”,中国应该为此“感到羞耻”(feel ashamed)




赵立坚的这条推文引用了漫画家@乌合麒麟 的讽刺漫画,并称,“对澳大利亚士兵杀害阿富汗平民和囚犯感到震惊。我们强烈谴责此类行为,呼吁其对此负责。”(Shocked by murder of Afghan civilians & prisoners by Australian soldiers. We strongly condemn such acts, &call for holding them accountable.)



然而,@乌合麒麟 漫画创作的基础,是澳大利亚政府已经承认的、真实发生在阿富汗的惨剧。

























"A falsified photo? Australia accuses China of using a falsified or fake photo, and even of spreading false information, but such an accusation is in itself a false one. What's going viral online is not a 'photo', but a graphic created with computer techniques by a young Chinese artist. Computer-generated graphics and falsified pictures are two different things. The graphic depicts a fact because its creation is based on the inquiry report issued by the Australian Defense Department."








"Before coming here, I asked my colleague to print out some photos and the inquiry report by the Australian Defense Department. These are all what really happened. These are all released by the Australian side. Some of you may have the same question mark as I do: why does the Australian side react so strongly on this? The Australian side has made such a scene with this graphic because it wants to divert attention, avoid the real issue and relieve some pressure off its shoulder. It is under immense criticism and condemnation from the international community for the ruthless killing of Afghan innocents by some of its soldiers, but the Australian side wants to turn that into a tough-on-China position. Everyone sees that very clearly."









"I also read an article on WeChat that I want to share with you. It's titled ‘How Come It's 'I Can, But You Cannot'?’. I believe this article speaks for a lot of Chinese people. It is a fact that China is treated with this 'I can, but you cannot' approach. For example, I can have 5G technologies, but you cannot; I can have a bigger economy than yours, but you cannot; I can make accusations against you while siding with ‘Tibet independence’ forces, 'Taiwan independence' forces, Xinjiang separatist forces, and the opposition and violent criminals in Hong Kong, but you cannot. This 'I can, but you cannot' approach reflects the attitude of those unbelievably arrogant hypocrites. Their real motive is to deprive China of the right to tell facts and truth. They are afraid to hear that loud and clear voice-'Look, the emperor has no cloth on!'"










“澳大利亚总理莫里森就你的同事推文要求中方道歉。有关推文配图显示一个澳大利亚军人将刀子架在一名阿富汗儿童脖子上。莫里森称该图‘’令人极度反感”‘,图片是修改过的,并要求推特公司删除该推文。他称中国政府应为这一推文‘feel ashamed’(感到羞愧)。你对此有何评论?”






"The heinous crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan have been reported by the Australian media and confirmed by the Australian Department of Defense in an inquiry report. Chief of Defense General Angus Campbell also talked about this report at a press conference announcing its release. The details in this report are shocking and appalling. Men and boys in a whole village were shot in the head or blindfolded and with throats slit. Two 14-year-old boys were killed with their throats slit and their bodies were bagged and thrown into a nearby river. Junior soldiers were required to shoot a prisoner in a practice that was known as ‘blooding’. These atrocities have been unequivocally and strongly condemned and deplored by the international community."




"The Australian side has been reacting so strongly to my colleague's tweet. Why is that? Do they think that their merciless killing of Afghan civilians is justified but the condemnation of such ruthless brutality is not? Afghan lives matter! The Australian government should conduct honest and deep reflections and hold the perpetrators accountable. It owes the Afghan people a formal apology and a solemn promise that it will never ever commit these horrible crimes again. "


“你刚才你提到澳方说中国政府应该feel ashamed。澳大利亚军人赴阿富汗是政府行为,澳大利亚有军人在阿犯下如此残暴罪行,澳政府是否应该feel ashamed?”


"You cited the Australian side's words that the Chinese government should be ashamed. Shouldn't the Australian government feel ashamed that some of its soldiers on official duty in Afghanistan committed such cruelties?"




















"Your question is not like BBC's usual style. Are you so concerned about this because you are Australian? Previously, for many so-called Chinese human rights violations that do not exist, Australia, as well as the United Kingdom where the BBC is headquartered, did not hesitate to come forward and make all kinds of accusations against China. Some Australian soldiers have committed ferocious crimes in Afghanistan. The Australian Defense Department owned up to it in their inquiry report. The facts and evidence are undeniably damning. It is no longer a matter of the internal affairs of any country, and it should be strongly condemned by all people with conscience around the whole world. "






"Do you think otherwise? Don't you think the crimes of these Australian soldiers should be condemned? Don't you think the lack of basic sense of right and wrong on this issue on the part of Prime Minister Morrison and the Australian government should be questioned? What is wrong with China strongly condemning such brutal crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan? This is about human rights, but what's it to do with internal affairs? "










"China always speaks out loud and clear and upholds justice when it comes to violations of human conscience and international fairness and justice."




"If the BBC is not biased, it should also condemn the brutal crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. This is what a truly just, objective, conscientious and socially responsible media outlet should do. I also hope that the media, including BBC, should not only zoom in their lenses on human rights issues in China to find quarrel in a straw, but also broaden their horizons to human rights violations committed in some western countries, instead of turning a blind eye to them or keeping silent on some of the violations, if not all of them."




标签: 中国 照片
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