
   2020-11-27 21英语网0
核心提示:British actors Felicity Jones (L) and Eddie Redmayne star in the hot air adventure The Aeronauts. Amazon StudiosDo you want to go on an exciting adventure in a hot air balloon? The Aeronauts can offer you this immersive experience.你想搭上

British actors Felicity Jones (L) and Eddie Redmayne star in the hot air adventure The Aeronauts. Amazon Studios

Do you want to go on an exciting adventure in a hot air balloon? The Aeronauts can offer you this immersive experience.

The film, inspired by a true story, hit Chinese theaters on Nov 13. It stars Oscar nominee Felicity Jones and Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne. The pair plays hot air balloonist Amelia Wren and pioneering meteorologist James Glaisher, respectively. They soared 11,278 meters off the ground – over 2,000 meters higher than Mount Qomolangma – in a balloon in 1862.
这部改编自真实故事的电影于11月13日登陆国内院线。电影由奥斯卡提名获得者菲丽希缇·琼斯与奥斯卡影帝埃迪·雷德梅恩主演。这对搭档分别饰演热气球飞行员艾米莉亚·雷恩与具有开拓精神的气象学家詹姆斯·格莱舍。他们于1862年乘坐热气球飞到了11278米的高空 —— 比珠穆朗玛峰还要高2000多米。

“The film is visually stunning thanks to the computer-generated effects in the air and the artistry of [the] cinematographer ... and production designers ...” Rolling Stone commented. Much of the film was shot from a hot air balloon and a helicopter.

What makes it more impressive is the adventurous spirit and enduring personalities of the main characters. Glaisher was motivated by his passion “for making a science out of weather predicting, thereby saving lives”, the Los Angeles Times noted.
更令人惊艳的是主角们的冒险精神与坚韧不拔的品质。格莱舍追求着自己的理想 —— “建立一门关于气象预报的学科,从而拯救生命”,《洛杉矶时报》指出。

As the balloon goes higher and higher, we, as movie viewers, enjoy splendid visuals and experience floating above the Earth in a tiny basket. But for Glaisher and Wren, they were bearing the cold, breathing hard for oxygen, and risking their lives.

标签: 热气球
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