
   2020-11-24 21英语网0
核心提示:Zhou Dongyu has been nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Awards. Mountaintop EntertainmentActress Zhou Dongyu, 28, has been in top form in recent years.28岁的演员周冬雨近几年风头正劲。Zhou was nominated for Best Actress at the

Zhou Dongyu has been nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Awards. Mountaintop Entertainment

Actress Zhou Dongyu, 28, has been in top form in recent years.

Zhou was nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Awards on Nov 7 for the third time. Zhou will become the first post-90s Chinese actress to receive the best actress award at three events, if she is honored with the award on Nov 25 at the awards ceremony in Xiamen, Fujian. Previously, she took home the Best Actress at the Golden Horse Awards and the Hong Kong Film Awards for her performances in Soul Mate and Better Days, respectively.

Zhou debuted in the 2010 movie Under the Hawthorn Tree and rose to fame overnight at age 19. In the movie, she played an innocent schoolgirl called Jingqiu. At that time, she was criticized for her acting and appearance. Zhou is not a girl that fits the typical standards of beauty with big eyes. “It would be so much better if I had bigger eyes,” she told Southern People Weekly.

But Zhou didn’t let her appearance stop her. Instead, she tried to play different roles to break the stereotype that she could only play a schoolgirl. She came to prominence with her role in Soul Mate, in which she plays Li Ansheng, a girl with a rootless free spirit.

Later, she played a mentally disabled girl in On the Balcony. To portray her character, she watched a lot of documentaries. “That’s one of the most challenging things about my job: to have to understand characters and scenarios I’ve never encountered before,” Zhou told Variety.

Now, Zhou’s acting has been recognized by the public and professionals in the showbiz industry. What’s more, she has embraced the way she looks.

Women in the industry are now judged on their talent, ability and the freedom to be themselves instead of beauty standards and appearances, Zhou said at a Kering Women in Motion Talk. “[It] makes me happy ... I believe audiences love seeing characters and real people that they can relate to.”
如今评判职业女性的是她们的才华、能力以及做自己的自由,而不是审美标准和外表,周冬雨在开云集团的一场 "跃动她影"论坛上如此表示。“这让我很开心……我相信观众们喜欢看到能让他们感同身受的角色和真实人物。”

标签: 影后 周冬
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