
   2020-11-16 21英语网0
核心提示:NASA’s SOFIA telescope, aboard a jumbo jet, detects water on the moon. NASADoes water exist on the moon? In 2018, scientists confirmed the presence of water in the form of ice in the moon’s polar regions. Now, NASA scientists have detecte

NASA’s SOFIA telescope, aboard a jumbo jet, detects water on the moon. NASA

Does water exist on the moon? In 2018, scientists confirmed the presence of water in the form of ice in the moon’s polar regions. Now, NASA scientists have detected water in more places than expected.

For the first time, scientists have identified water on the moon’s sunlit surface. The water was found in and around the southern hemisphere’s sunlit Clavius crater, one of the largest craters on the moon.
科学家们首次在月球的太阳照射面发现水。这些水在月球南半球的克拉维斯环形山 —— 也是月球最大的环形山一带被发现。

Scientists made this discovery using data from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) airborne telescope. It is a 2.5-meter telescope that rides aboard a jumbo jet to get clear views of the sky. In August 2018, SOFIA detected 6-micrometer infrared light coming from a region near the Clavius crater. After analysis, scientists confirmed that this wavelength of light is generated by the vibrations (振动) of sunlight-heated water molecules.

“This is the first unambiguous detection of molecular water on the sunlit moon,” said study co-author Casey Honniball, a lunar scientist at NASA. “This shows that water is not just in the permanently shadowed regions – that there are other places on the moon [where] we could potentially find it.”
“这是月球光照区存在水分子的首个明确发现,”该研究的联合作者、美国国家航空航天局的月球科学家凯西·霍尼鲍尔表示。“这表明,水不仅存在于常年阴暗的月背 —— 月球上的其他地方也可能发现水。”

Based on the brightness of the observed infrared light, Honniball’s team figured out the water exists at around 100 to 400 parts per million around the Clavius crater. That’s less than half a liter (升) of water per ton of lunar soil. As a comparison, the Sahara desert has 100 times the amount of water than that. This is basically what the researchers expected, based on past spacecraft observations.

Interestingly, these water molecules are so far apart that they are in neither liquid nor in frozen ice.

“To be clear, this is not puddles of water,” Honniball said. Instead, scientists think the water molecules are bound inside some other material on the lunar surface. They could be covered in glass created by the crash of micrometeorites, or “sandwiched” between soil grains that protect the water from solar radiation.

Scientists believe the water came from comets, asteroids, interplanetary dust, the solar wind or even lunar volcanic eruptions. It is too soon to know if the water would be accessible. Without knowing how hard the surface is, there is a risk of damaging equipment. But the finding expands the possible landing spots for robots and astronauts alike. It is “opening up real estate previously considered ‘off limits’ for being bone dry”, according to assistant professor Paul Hayne of the University of Colorado, US.

标签: 科学家 太阳
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