
   2020-11-12 21英语网0
核心提示:The 17-year-old sophomore Lin Jiachen spends his time trainspotting. PROVIDED TO TEENSOn July 1 this year, when the Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong railway was put into operation, Lin Jiachen, a sophomore from Zhangjiagang Senior High School, was o

The 17-year-old sophomore Lin Jiachen spends his time trainspotting. PROVIDED TO TEENS

On July 1 this year, when the Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong railway was put into operation, Lin Jiachen, a sophomore from Zhangjiagang Senior High School, was one of the first passengers.

“I was so proud and excited at that moment,” Lin said.

The Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze River Bridge is the world’s first bridge spanning more than 1,000 meters, serving both cars and trains. For many people, it is merely a means of transportation. For Lin, it is something much more.

Ever since 2014 when the bridge was set to be built, Lin has been keeping a close eye on it.

His love for high-speed railway started in his childhood. Lin’s grandfather has been a big fan of the rails. The young Lin used to stand on the pedestrian overpass near a railway station with his grandfather to observe how trains pull in and pull out.

One night in 2007, Lin decided to go outside to see the D Train, a new kind of China Railway high-speed train being put into operation at that time.

After waiting for almost three hours, he had a chance to see a D train pulling into the station. “I was very satisfied at that time,” Lin said. Besides observing the trains, Lin has also been paying attention to major projects related to railway construction.

Living nearby the Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze River Bridge, Lin would go to the construction site of the bridge every two days in order to get the latest news about it.

The construction of the bridge was drawing to a close as Lin grew up. Lin decided to keep a record of this period along with his like-minded friends. They assembled an industrial camera to record the process of its closure from June in 2019. Pinned on a lamppost, the camera automatically took photos twice a day at a specific time and uploaded the photos to a website.

Lin was responsible for monitoring the operation of the device. If something went wrong, he would repair it with his friends. Six months later, they wrapped up the filming project. Lin picked up some photos and made a one-minute video, which was listed as one of the most popular photography works in a contest organized by the China Railway Shanghai Group in May.

“I hope more people realize that our country’s infrastructure facilities are strong,” said Lin.

Speaking of his future plans, he said, “I’ll choose a major related to bridge architecture when applying for universities.”

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