
   2020-08-04 21英语网0
核心提示: 近日,字节跳动旗下抖音短视频应用海外版 TikTok接连遭遇多国审查,更是屡屡遭到美国发难。此前有消息传出,微软正在洽谈收购这款App在北美的业务。 图源:冯粒/视觉中国 昨日深夜,字节跳动在今日头条的官方账号发布动态称:我们面临着各种复杂和难以想

近日,字节跳动旗下抖音短视频应用海外版 TikTok接连遭遇多国审查,更是屡屡遭到美国发难。此前有消息传出,微软正在洽谈收购这款App在北美的业务。











US President Trump on Friday said he plans to ban the social media platform TikTok from operating in the United States.


“As far as TikTok is concerned, we’re banning them from the United States,” Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One.


The president said he could use emergency economic powers or an executive order as early as Saturday to officially ban the Chinese-owned company from the US. He signaled he was not supportive of allowing an American company to acquire TikTok.








The news of Trump banning the app, which is especially popular with teenagers, has sparked a meme fest on Twitter.


Netizens have been mourning the careers of American TikTok “influencers,” potentially unemployed within 24 hours from now, predicting an influx of social media-savvy teens to other platforms, such as YouTube.








TikTok has made headlines on social media overseas after US.President Donald Trump said on Friday he was thinking to ban the app in the US. His obsessiveness to the Chinese recreational short video platform has triggered a wide backlash domestically, with many TikTokers cried for "leaving the country" and netizens questioned the logic of Trump's administration for putting TikTok before countless domestic issues, including coronavirus, gun control and racial equality.



“#拯救TikTok @特朗普,请不要这样做,我们都很喜欢TikTok,如果你禁了TikTok,会有一大波像Charlie Damelio这样的TikTok网红追赶你的,你可小心了。”




“@特朗普,我恨你,在那些难熬的日子里,@TikTok美国 让年轻人远离烦恼,让家人们走得更近了,让人们有了笑容,TikTok和新冠病毒没关系!!!放过TikTok吧!#TikTok禁令#拯救TikTok”


 “求求你了。别禁止TikTok。直到现在,它也没有问题。求你了,你没权力这样做。千百万人都用这款应用,用它来赚钱,大家也很开心。不要禁TikTok。#拯救TikTok @特朗普”





Tik Tok美国总经理:我们哪也不去


8月1日, TikTok美国区总经理凡妮莎•帕帕斯在社交网站上发布了一段视频表示,“我们不会离开”。




“We've heard your outpouring of support and we want to say thank you, we're not planning on going anywhere,” TikTok US General Manager Vanessa Pappas said in a video message on Saturday morning. 


















China's ByteDance has agreed to divest the US operations of TikTok completely in a bid to save a deal with the White House, after US President Donald Trump said on Friday he had decided to ban the popular short-video app, two people familiar with the matter said on Saturday.


ByteDance was previously seeking to keep a minority stake in the US business of TikTok, which the White House had rejected. 




Microsoft Corp. has paused negotiations with Bytedance over the acquisition of US operations of TikTok after US President Donald Trump signaled opposition on Friday, Wall Street Journal quoted an anonymous source on Saturday.


不过,当地时间2日,微软在官方博客发表声明向外界证实,在微软首席执行官Satya Nadella与美国总统特朗普电话沟通后,微软准备继续继续与字节跳动公司就收购TikTok美国业务一事进行谈判。



据BBC报道,微软CEO Satya Nadella表示已经在周日与特朗普总统就收购一事进行对话。微软方面强调,微软完全理解解决总统担忧的重要性。预计在9月15日前完成与字节跳动的谈判。


US tech giant Microsoft has confirmed that it is continuing talks to purchase the US operations of Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok.


Microsoft boss Satya Nadella had a conversation with US President Donald Trump about the acquisition on Sunday, the tech firm said.


Microsoft stressed that it "fully appreciates the importance" of addressing President Trump's concerns.


The tech giant hopes to conclude discussions with TikTok's parent firm ByteDance by 15 September.




Microsoft said it was looking to purchase the TikTok service in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and would operate the app in these markets.


The tech firm added that it "may" invite other American investors to participate in the purchase "on a minority basis".









US President Donald Trump has agreed to give China’s ByteDance 45 days to negotiate a sale of popular short-video app TikTok to Microsoft Corp, three people familiar with the matter said on Sunday.


The negotiations between ByteDance and Microsoft will be overseen by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a US government panel that has the right to block any agreement, according to the sources.


ByteDance and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the Microsoft talks.


综合来源:新京报 中国新闻周刊 观察者网 新浪科技 The Hill Huffpost RT Business Insider Reuters twitter


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