
   2020-07-28 21英语网0
核心提示: 北京时间昨天下午,据多家外媒报道,美国突然要求中国关闭驻休斯敦总领馆。 CNN:   BBC:   华尔街日报网站:   中国驻美使馆收到炸弹和死亡威胁外交部:是谁在搞渗透、搞对抗,事实一目了然 在7月22日外交部例行记者会上,有记者问:据美方消息






















"On July 21, the US abruptly demanded that China’s consulate general in Houston cease all operations and events. It is a political provocation unilaterally launched by the US side, which seriously violates international law, basic norms governing international relations and the bilateral consular agreement between China and the US. China strongly condemns such an outrageous and unjustified move which will sabotage China-US relations. We urge the US to immediately withdraw its erroneous decision, otherwise China will make legitimate and necessary reactions. "




"For some time, the US government has been shifting the blame to China with stigmatization and unwarranted attacks against China’s social system, harassing Chinese diplomatic and consular staff in the US, intimidating and interrogating Chinese students and seizing their personal electronic devices, even detaining them without cause. The unilateral closure of China’s consulate general in Houston on short notice is an unprecedented escalation of its recent actions against China. "






"China is committed to the principle of non-interference in other countries’ domestic affairs. Infiltration and interference is never in the genes and tradition of China’s foreign policy. Chinese diplomatic missions in the US are dedicated to advancing the two peoples’ mutual understanding and friendship. Pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, China provides convenience for US diplomatic missions and personnel in China. However, the US has imposed restrictions on Chinese diplomatic personnel in the US twice without cause, in last October and this June respectively. It opened without permission Chinese diplomatic pouches multiple times, and seized Chinese items for official use. As the US flagrantly drums up stigmatization and fans hatred against China, our embassy in the US recently has even received bomb and death threats on Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel in the US. And the US embassy constantly publishes on its website articles smearing China. If we compare the two, it is only too evident which is engaged in interference, infiltration and confrontation. "




“The US claims lack of reciprocity in relations with China. This is just its old ploy that’s completely unjustified. As a matter of fact, the US far outnumbers China when it comes to diplomatic missions and staff in each other’s country.  We urge the US to immediately revoke this erroneous decision. Should it insist on going down this wrong path, China will react with firm countermeasures.”










U.S. President Donald Trump said at a White House news conference on Wednesday it was “always possible” he would order the closure of more Chinese consulates in the United States in the wake of the State Department’s order to close Beijing’s consulate in Houston.












On July 21, the US abruptly demanded that the Chinese Consulate-General in Houston cease all operations and events within a time limit. It is a political provocation unilaterally launched by the US side, which seriously violates international law, basic norms governing international relations and the bilateral consular agreement between China and the US. China strongly condemns and firmly opposes such an outrageous and unjustified move which sabotages China-US relations.




China is committed to the principle of non-interference in other countries' domestic affairs. Over the years, Chinese diplomatic missions in the US, including the Consulate-General in Houston, have been performing duties in strict accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and are dedicated to promoting China-US exchanges and cooperation and advancing the two peoples' mutual understanding and friendship. The US accusations are groundless fabrications, and the excuses it cites are far-fetched and untenable. For the US side, if it is bent on attacking China, it will never be short of excuses.




As for reciprocity, China has been providing facilitation for US diplomatic missions and personnel pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. In contrast, the US imposed unjustified restrictions on Chinese diplomatic personnel last October and in June, unscrupulously and repeatedly opened China's diplomatic pouches and seized China's official goods. Because of the willful and reckless stigmatization and fanning up of hatred by the US side, the Chinese Embassy in the US has received threats to the safety and security of Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel more than once.




At the same time, the US side has more diplomatic and consular missions and personnel in China than China has in the US, another area where the principle of reciprocity is not reflected. The move of the US side will only backfire on itself.




We urge the US side to immediately revoke this erroneous decision. Otherwise, China will have to respond with legitimate and necessary actions.










Consul General Cai Wei said, on July 21, the US abruptly demanded that the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston cease all operations and events within a time limit. It is a political provocation unilaterally launched by the US side, which seriously violates international law, basic norms governing international relations and the bilateral consular agreement between China and the US. China strongly condemns and firmly opposes such an outrageous and unjustified move which sabotages China-US relations. We urge the US side to immediately revoke this erroneous decision. Otherwise, China will have to respond with legitimate and necessary actions.


蔡伟总领事接受美国广播公司(ABC)13台和《国际聚焦》杂志联合采访 图源:中国驻休斯敦总领馆网站 




CG Cai stressed that the past 40 years of interactions between China and US have clearly shown that both sides stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. As State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s remarked at the China-US Think Tanks Media Forum recently, China has maintained a highly stable and consistent policy toward the US, and is willing to grow China-US relations with goodwill and sincerity. We hope the US side to work in the same direction with us to advance China-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability.


蔡伟总领事接受美国广播公司(ABC)13台和《国际聚焦》杂志联合采访 图源:中国驻休斯敦总领馆网站 




CG Cai also refuted numerous lies about the Consulate General from the US side, saying that repeating a lie for thousands of times doesn’t make it truth. Some US politicians lied for the so-called “political correctness”, while ignoring people’s lives and well-being. In the end, they will harm others as well as themselves. We advise those US politicians to stop playing their tricks as soon as possible!




标签: 休斯敦 美国
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