
   2020-07-28 21英语网0
核心提示: 7月27日上午10时,按照中方要求,美国驻成都总领馆闭馆。中方主管部门随后从正门进入,实行接管。 At 10 a.m. July 27, as required by the Chinese side, the US Consulate General in Chengdu was closed. China’s competent authorities then entered



At 10 a.m. July 27, as required by the Chinese side, the US Consulate General in Chengdu was closed. China’s competent authorities then entered through the front entrance and took over the premises.




A US national flag has lowered at the US Consulate General in Chengdu at around 6:18 a.m. on Monday. 






US consulate general staff in Chengdu were spotted leaving the compound at around 6:00 a.m. on Monday. 








At 9:45 a.m. Beijing Time on Sunday, a bus pulled out of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, according to a CGTN reporter.


It was hard to determine how many people were on board, the reporter said, adding that the bus arrived at the consulate on Saturday afternoon.

















China had ordered the US to close its consulate general in Chengdu in 72 hours in retaliation to the US demand for China to shutter its consulate general in Houston. The deadline for the US consulate's evacuation is 10:00 a.m. Monday.








Last Tuesday, the US abruptly ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, within 72 hours. Shortly after the closure order took effect last Friday, a group of men, reported to be American officials, were seen entering through a door at the consulate. Two uniformed members of the US State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security were also at the scene, reported Reuters.  






Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said the premises of the Chinese consulate general in Houston are diplomatic and consular premises as well as China's national property.


Based on the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the China-US Consular Convention, the United States must not infringe on the premises of the Chinese consulate general in Houston in any way, he said.


"China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to US forced entry into the premises of the Chinese consulate general in Houston, and has lodged solemn representations. China will make a proper and necessary response in this regard," Wang said.









China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Sunday lashed out at the US. for forcibly entering the Chinese Consulate-General in Houston, expressing strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the move. 


"The premises of China's Consulate General in Houston are the Chinese government's property. The US' break-in is violation of the Vienna Convention Consular Relations as well as the US Constitution and the Foreign Missions Act," Hua wrote on Twitter. 


"It is no different from burglary," she wrote with a photo showing federal officials and a locksmith pulling on a door to enter the vacated consulate general building.







The Chinese Embassy in the United States said on Saturday that it will temporarily take over the work of the consulate general in Houston, and continue to provide various services for the people in the consular district.


In response, China informed the US Embassy in China on Friday of its decision to withdraw its consent for the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu. 


综合来源:中国驻美大使馆官网、外交部官网、央视新闻、环球网、观察者网、CGTN、China Daily


标签: 成都 中方
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