研究:长时间的日晒会削弱脑力Don't let the sun go to your head, warns new study

   2020-06-29 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:阳光是人类生存所不可缺少的,缺乏日晒会导致缺钙,但是长时间日晒也会对人体健康产生不良影响。新研究发现,头部长时间暴露在阳光下会削弱脑力,导致认知能力下降。 Ph



Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash


Those tempted to set up office in the garden as temperatures soar should think twice or put a hat on.


New study shows that sunshine could diminish brain power, making it harder to make the right judgments.


Working in hot temperatures is already known to cause hyperthermia – a rise in body temperature – which can cause physical exhaustion. But now scientists say prolonged exposure of the head to the sun also affects the brain's ability to function properly.


hyperthermia [,haɪpɚ'θɝmɪə]: n. 中暑,过高热


A study by university teams in Denmark and Greece said workers could be damaging their brains by working in hot, sunny conditions.


Eight healthy, active males aged between 27 and 41 took part in the research.


The brain function test consisted of four different computer-based maths and logic tasks that relied on precise calculations. Four heat lamps were positioned to radiate either on the lower body or the back, side and top of their heads.


Professor Lars Nybo, of the department of nutrition, exercise and sports at the University of Copenhagen, said: "This study provides evidence that direct exposure to sunlight – especially to the head – impairs motor and cognitive performance."


The decline in motor and cognitive performance was observed at 38.5 degrees.


Researchers said those exposed to sunlight for long periods should cover their heads.


Professor Andtreas Flouis, of the FAME Laboratory in Greece, said: "It is of great importance that people working or undertaking daily activities outside should protect their head against sunlight."


Dips in mental performance caused by sunshine could also mean drivers were more likely to make mistakes on the road, he suggested.


The findings appear in the journal Scientific Reports.





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