这个获得大奖的办公室设计太适合疫情时期了This post-pandemic office design offers a glimpse at what returning to the offic

   2020-06-11 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:复工后,很多人担心在格子间内办公无法防止病毒传播。什么样的办公室才能兼顾实用和安全呢?近日,一名埃及建筑设计师的获奖作品为我们指出了一种新方案。 Q.workn



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Offices are probably going to look very different as workers return after working remotely during the coronavirus. Open floor plans, shared snacks, and even places for napping or hanging out were once markers of trendy places to work, but now safety is a concern as well.


Egyptian architect and designer Mohamed Radwan created a system of office pod for the post-COVID-19 workplace, for a project called "Q.workntine." Last month, the design was recognized with an award in the Responsible Design category at the DNA Paris Design Awards.



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Spurred by the coronavirus, advance in remote working technology might make offices less important, and some experts predict that they might only be used for especially collaborative work. Some companies, of course, may want to preserve a workplace culture.


Radwan's design creates individual pods for workers. The pods could be a relatively safe solution for workers whose jobs are difficult or impossible to do at home.



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Radwan says that the pod system can maintain the same number of employees. Each pod is like a cubicle in a pre-COVID-19 office, but sealed off from other employees.


Inside, the workspace looks like any typical cubicle. Pods each have automatic doors that operate with facial recognition, so there's no need to touch and contaminate them. The pods will be made of a non-porous material for easy disinfection.



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Ventilation fans with built-in air purifiers prevent the virus spreading among coworkers. The door is acrylic, with an airtight seal.



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Hexagonal pods are arranged in a hive shape that can accommodate different office layouts. Compared to a regular office layout, they take up about the same amount of space.


Hexagonal[hekˈsæɡənl]: adj. 六边的,六角形的


Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


Office layout. Mohamed M. Radwan


Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan


The pods can also be made larger to fit different office needs, like for executives.



Q.workntine office pods. Mohamed M. Radwan




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