
   2020-06-04 21英语网0
核心提示: 自当地时间5月26日开始,美国警察暴力执法致非裔男子死亡一事引发的示威活动持续升级。全美多地实施宵禁,以应对近日发生的抗议活动。5月31日,在美国纽约时报广场,人们抗议警察暴力执法。新华社记者 王迎 摄 5月31日,在美国首都华盛顿,抗议者躲避警察


5月31日,在美国纽约时报广场,人们抗议警察暴力执法。新华社记者 王迎 摄


5月31日,在美国首都华盛顿,抗议者躲避警察发射的震爆弹。新华社记者 刘杰 摄


5月31日,在美国首都华盛顿,警察列队警戒。新华社记者 刘杰 摄







I spoke to members of the family, terrific people, and we'll be reporting as time goes by. I just expressed my sorrow. That was a horrible thing to witness.



据CNN报道,弗洛伊德的兄长菲洛尼斯30日对媒体表示,特朗普的确打来了电话,但“ 他连说话的机会都没给我”(He didn't give me an opportunity to even speak)。


菲洛尼斯说,“(交流)太困难了,我试着跟他谈谈,但他像是一直在叫我走开一样,就好像在说 ‘我不想听你在说什么’。”





George Floyd's family spoke to both President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden following Floyd's death in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Speaking to MSNBC's Al Sharpton, George's brother, Philonise Floyd, said his conversation with President Trump was "so fast."

"He didn't give me an opportunity to even speak," Floyd said. "It was hard. I was trying to talk to him, but he just kept, like, pushing me off, like 'I don't want to hear what you're talking about.'

"And I just told him, I want justice. I said that I couldn't believe that they committed a modern-day lynching in broad daylight," he said.






As protesters gathered outside the White House, US President Donald Trump was briefly taken to the underground bunker for a period of time, according to a White House official and a law enforcement source.

The President was there for a little under an hour before being brought upstairs.


A law enforcement source and another source familiar with the matter tell CNN that US first lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, were also taken to the bunker.



他先是称赞特勤局的反应,“昨晚(29日晚)在白宫干得好,不仅非常专业还非常酷。我在白宫里注视着每一个人的一举一动,感到无比的安全”。(Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool. I was inside, watched every move, and couldn’t have felt more safe.)

然后,他又威胁称如果抗议者冲破了白宫的围栏“迎接他们的将是最凶恶的狗,以及我所见过的最凶狠的武器”。(they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.)


此外,特朗普的推文中还@了华盛顿特区市长穆里尔·鲍泽(Muriel Bowser),抨击她不肯调用城市警力帮助平息示威活动。




Bowser called Trump’s remark’s “gross,” saying the reference to attack dogs conjures up with the worst memories of the nation’s fight against segregation.

D.C. police were present that night along with Secret Service and the U.S. Park Police.










据ABC报道,当地时间6月1日,弗洛伊德的家属律师表示,独立尸检发现遭警察“跪杀”的乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡原因是“颈部和背部受压,脑部血液不流通导致窒息性死亡”(homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain)。但根据同日发布的官方尸检说法,弗洛伊德“被执法人员制服时,遭遇心肺骤停死亡”(a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officer(s))。


An independent autopsy ordered by George Floyd's family found his death was a "homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain," according to early findings from the examination released on June 1.


Later, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office released its initial findings of their autopsy and also declared Floyd's death was a homicide caused by "a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officer(s)."


Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, identified as the officer who put his knee to Floyd's neck, was arrested and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter. Three other officers who were involved in the arrest have been fired but haven't been charged.


据ABC消息,目前,涉嫌杀害美国非裔乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的明尼苏达州前警官德雷克·乔文(Derek Chauvin)的首次出庭时间已由6月1日被推迟到6月8日。




“除非你是瞎了或拒绝承认事实,否则你不会再把这当成个案。在我们的刑事司法制度中,存在令人憎恶的不公正现象。”(you are blind or in denial if you are still treating each one like a unique situation. We have an injustice in the criminal justice system that is abhorrent.)













China said on Monday it hopes the United States will eliminate racial discrimination and safeguard the lawful rights of ethnic minorities in the country as protests rock American cities after the death of a black man in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


"Black lives matter and their human rights should be guaranteed", Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a daily news briefing, adding that racism against ethnic minorities is a chronic disease in US society.


The unrest triggered by the death of George Floyd has again reflected "the severity of racism and police violence in the US and the urgency to solve those problems", Zhao said.


China hopes the US will fulfill its obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and take concrete measures to secure the legitimate rights of ethnic minorities, he said.
















Zhao Lijian: The remarks made by Mr. O'Brien and other US officials, as well as the conclusion made by the US institution, are just baseless. China doesn't interfere in other countries' domestic affairs. The whole world has watched as things unravel in the US. American politicians had better get their own house in order.


China has a sense of right and wrong. We are opposed to all violent and illegal activities. We also hope that the US will not stay indifferent to the issue of racial discrimination.


You mentioned some people's comparison between the protests in the US and the violence in Hong Kong. Their causes are completely different. During the disturbance over proposed legislative amendments in Hong Kong, hostile local and foreign forces flagrantly engaged in secessionist, subversive and terrorist activities that severely threaten national security, which are "Hong Kong independence" and violence in essence. As to the trigger for protests across the US, American media have made thorough coverage.


Many people may want to ask this question: why does the US refer to those "Hong Kong independence" and black-clad rioters as "heroes" and "fighters" but label its people protesting against racial discrimination as "thugs"? Why did the US have so many problems with the restrained and civilized way of law enforcement by the Hong Kong police but have no problem at all with threatening to shoot at and mobilizing the National Guard against its domestic protesters? This double-standard way of behaving is so typical of the US. The reasons behind this are worth reflecting on and staying vigilant.




标签: 示威者 白宫
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