
   2020-05-23 21英语网0
核心提示:Apart from the delayed opening, this year’s two sessions are “unusual” in many aspects. XINHUAChina’s two sessions, a key event on the country’s political calendar, began on May 21 after having been postponed for more than two months d

Apart from the delayed opening, this year’s two sessions are “unusual” in many aspects. XINHUA

China’s two sessions, a key event on the country’s political calendar, began on May 21 after having been postponed for more than two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apart from the delayed opening, this year’s two sessions are “unusual” in many aspects, as China Daily noted.

First and foremost, the world will“watch how China charts the course for a crucial year to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve its development goals, while effectively warding off coronavirus risks”, reported Xinhua.

In 2019, China achieved a GDP growth of 6.1 percent, meeting the target range of 6-6.5 percent. Analysts expect this year’s target will continue to be a feasible one, and with stronger boosting measures, China could achieve growth faster than that of all other major economies, Xinhua noted.

In the two sessions, national lawmakers and political advisers will be discussing how to strive for good performances in all areas of economic and social development while implementing regular epidemic prevention and control measures, according to Xinhua.

Meanwhile, to ensure public health security, some arrangements for the session have been adjusted.

According to Xinhua, the duration of the session has been shortened from two weeks to about one. There are fewer reporters covering the event, according to Global Times. Journalists who are overseas have not been invited to Beijing to report on the event this year. Meanwhile, news conferences and other interview activities are “appropriately streamlined and conducted in innovative forms, such as by video link,” chairman of the National People’s Congress Foreign Affairs Committee, Zhang Yesui, told Xinhua.

Given the need for continued COVID-19 containment, on May 13, the State Council’s executive meeting called for adopting new ways for taking in views and suggestions of national legislators and political advisers, including via video-link, phone calls and the internet.

Technology is playing a key role in bringing the nation’s top political advisory body closer to the people.

The website of the CPPCC National Committee started to seek opinions and suggestions from netizens on May 8. It is a move that aims to help the national political advisers learn more about the opinions of the public before they gather in Beijing.

“The new platform has helped the public share their ideas with CPPCC members on China’s major political, economic and social issues at the annual meeting,” according to China Daily.

标签: 两会 时期
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