
   2020-05-12 21英语网0
核心提示:Students show their enthusiasm for being back in the classroom. XINHUAAs the national epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, schools in more cities have decided to resume classes. In fact, after the resumption of cl

Students show their enthusiasm for being back in the classroom. XINHUA

As the national epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve, schools in more cities have decided to resume classes. In fact, after the resumption of classes, students have made many changes not only to their schedules but also to their mindset.

What should we do to help ourselves psychologically “reset or refresh” after resuming the class?

Deng Xiaoshang, 17, from Chengdu Shishi Tianfu High School, Sichuan, returned to school in March. As a Senior 3 student, he felt nervous about the unfamiliar campus life and the intense stress from the upcoming gaokao.

“Before I went back to school, I accepted psychological guidance provided by our school. The teacher suggested the Butterfly Hug method when I get anxious,” Deng said.

The Butterfly Hug is when an individual wraps their arms around themselves so that each hand touches the opposite upper arm or shoulder. They then move their hands like the wings of a butterfly to tap their arms or shoulders in an alternating rhythm.

According to Crowe Associates, a London-based consultancy firm, it can be used to calm ourselves and lower our stress levels.
伦敦咨询公司Crowe Associates表示,这种方法能够让我们冷静下来,减少压力。

To help improve concentration when studying, Deng was also instructed to restart learning with game thinking.

First, clarify the mission of the game: the goal, time limit and current progress, Deng explained. Second, set up daily tasks, daily feedback and rewards. Most importantly, improve concentration by practice.

“Don’t think too much. JUST DO IT. Also, take a positive attitude to failure,” Deng said.
“别想太多。着手去做就行了。还有,要以积极的心态面对失败,” 邓骁上说道。

Before going back to school, Chen Zhixian, 16, from Huairen No 1 High School, Shanxi, also learned from suggestions offered on a livestreaming show hosted by Zhang Chi, a specialist of the Chinese Association for Mental Health. Zhang introduced a Four Steps solution: Face it. Accept it. Deal with it. Let it go.

As Chen recalled, “Face it, so to face your own emotions and the state of life. We need to understand that at present, learning will be affected but everyone is in the same situation. So we should keep positive.”

Although studying at home is not as efficient as studying at school, Chen decided to accept imperfections. “I have improved my ability to read more, that’s also precious experience,” Chen explained.

标签: 锦囊 心理
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