
   2020-04-24 21英语网0
核心提示: 前几天,一个#上海小学生英语分享家人抗疫故事#登上热搜榜,引起网友强势围观。10岁的小朋友英文就这么好?这么棒的英语演讲我要多学习几遍!酸了,别人家的孩子! 这个别人家的孩子有点眼熟!2019年,9岁的王梓一在“21世纪杯”全国总决选勇夺小高组冠军












No Pains, No Gains


Dear friends, what do we really gain from pain?



I’m a student but also a golf player. In the past three years, no matter if it’s day or night; rain or shine; sick or tired, I was always practicing. Well, I had nothing to complain, because I made the decision to be a dedicated golf player. 



Last May, I attended the national golf tournament. In the first round, I got the best score in the record of history but in the second round, I was the worst and lost the game. I was devastated and my heart was broken.  



But Mr. Dad patted me on the shoulder and said, “Son, come on, it’s not a big deal. Let’s see next time!” 




“Next time? But when is the next time for me?”



“Son, I know it’s hard, but remember your dream and never quit.” 



From that day on, we extended the training out, analyze each movement, I will push the boundaries, and finally, I won some games, but I still lose games occasionally. You see, my dad will come to me: let’s see next time. He didn’t guarantees me total success. In fact, nobody can. But I get stronger each time I try. 




Dear friends, I know how it feels to not get your ideal math score; I know how it feels to not pass your piano grading test; I know how it feels to not reach your life-long goals that I’ve faced these frustrations before. But all the struggles will help reshape, rebuild and restore your confidence. Because the pain you feel today is the strength you gain tomorrow. Remember what my dad said ? “Let’s see next time!”



Q: Is there a thing in your life that actually the next time is not that good?

A: Well, indeed, I have faced many times like this. The first time my dad told me, “Let’s see next time.” I doubt it. I doubt that next time maybe I’ll succeed. But then, my nightmares came. I failed. But these failures cannot do much. Most people believe that it’s the permanent condition, but actually, it is not. They can change. And if you set yourself a long-term goal, and these things can help in your life. And you should start all over again. This is how you can succeed in lots of ways. So indeed you will fail, but you must overcome these obstacles no matter how hard it is. Thank you!






Q: When you have your first golf tournament, you won the first round and you felt delighted, and you lost your second round. Why do you think you might lose second round? 

A: That is indeed a lot of problems. Because if I lost this round, it doesn’t mean that I can always win or also that when I fail, maybe I’ll just too proud of myself. I said I felt overjoyed. But when I was overjoyed, I didn’t think about what will happen about next round. And that may cost me to loose because when I didn’t think about the last round, it’s like the race between two people. While one person is really really slow, but the slow person be the fast person because the fast person is too proud of himself and thought he will win no matter what he did. But so, you need continue working no matter how great you did that thing because the scores can change and you won’t help yourself to know that you can’t control the results that came out. Thank you!
















From happiness to sorrow and loss, 

and back again 

















My father was born in the city of Wuhan and some of my relatives live there as well some also live overseas. Luckily, we can still connect with each other through a shared WeChat group called Happy Family where we catch up, post funny videos and gossip occasionally.



In mid-January, we were all excited about the Chinese New Year 1 which was about to fall about 10 days later. Some were planning to travel to warm Hainan some were gonna make special big Spring Festival purchases and others were gonna visit their distant relatives.



None of us fully realized what lay in wait.







But 2020 turned out to be a year unlike any other.



Then on January the 23rd, news of a mysterious illness broke out a virus we now call COVID-19. This virus is highly infectious making people extremely sick and sometimes even killing them. 



At that moment, it was as if that Wuhan pushed a giant stop button and everything was put into lockdown.







Naturally, in the Happy Family WeChat group messages of anxiety and panic quickly popped up.

Do you have enough face masks?

Are we gonna have enough medical test kits?

Omg, I ve heard my neighbor just got the virus.

Spring Festival is supposed to be a time to sending out red envelopes but we began to send worry envelopes.







Every day, our WeChat group was bombarded with climbing figures of confirmed coronavirus cases and even deaths. Reports on social media were not helping any matters. Chaos was only causing more confusion.



Then a message from Auntie Yun popped up telling us her neighbor had just died of the virus. He was only 48 years old and had been quite healthy. How could somebody like that just die?.



We were agitated and frightened. Then there was dead silence. Nobody would say anything. Wuhan became a ghost town and Happy Family became a ghost group.






A few days later a piece of news regarding my Auntie Peng broke the general silence of the group. She is a service worker and had been serving the community with sanitation inspections since the dawn of the outbreak. 



She put on protective suit wore her face mask and patrolled communities to keep track of residents' health and to inform local citizens to quarantine themselves. She went out early and came back late. She did not even have time to look after her 2-year-old child.



Honestly, she was our entire inspiration of course but her husband, Uncle Hao, was extremely worried about her safety. And yet three days later, he was actually inspired to become her helping hand. Officially, he became the first volunteer of our family. He sent the sick to hospitals gave people food and water and helped out in many other ways.



Not long after that, Auntie Yun's father also joined in. He went from house to house helping check citizens' temperatures to make sure infected people can get cured in time.



My family did not just stop there. Many relatives were very eager to help out and relieve the burden. Uncle Dong is a head chef from a family-owned restaurant.


他注意到前线的医生和护士吃饭成问题,于是他报名参加了一个志愿服务项目,为医务人员做饭。以此表达对医务人员的感激 ,并为辛勤工作的他们加油打气。

He noticed that doctors and nurses from the front lines were extremely anxious to get food. Henceforth, he signed up for a voluntary program where he would make meals for medical staff members. This is meant as an appreciation and a boost of morale for medical workers on the frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic.







Soon, two new emergency hospitals and numerous quarantine centers were built in the city of Wuhan. Thanks to the relentless efforts of the medical workers and volunteers patients were given the care that nursed many of them back to good health and saved countless lives. The situation started to turn around and we began to see a light at the end of the tunnel.



But it was really one month later when our Happy Family WeChat group started to sense any real relief.



Some relatives resumed their daily activities and posted pictures of hot dry noodles they made at home. Others made talks about how ordinary people can battle against coronavirus and some posted their public square dance videos. Em, not so much, technically, it was a living room square dance..



Up till now, my family has had seven volunteers. And my family is only one of hundreds of thousands of families in Wuhan doing their own bits to pull the city together.



If you think about it, my family has been in lockdown for 76 days, that's more than 1,800 hours of torturous isolation. Hundreds of thousands of millions of people in China have to cope with the severe measures taken to tame this virus. But it is our fellow citizens in Wuhan that sacrificed the most to save us from the worst.



我们看到的这些数据,不仅仅是冰冷的数字 , 它们象征着我们心情的跌宕起伏,代表着无数家庭离散和心碎的故事,它们更象征着团结的力量。没有武汉的牺牲和社会各界的共同努力,战“疫”就不会有现在的成就。

When we look at these stats they are not just dead figures they signify our feelings, ups and downs they represent countless families torn apart and heart-broken stories but they also symbolize the strength of unity. Without Wuhan's sacrifice from joint efforts from people from all walks of life we wouldn't have what we have achieved so far..



Now coronavirus has developed from an epidemic to a full-scale global major pandemic and it is still far from being beaten and we began to think about those in other countries in their struggle. Even in China, coronavirus still remains undefeated but I'm sure the end is approaching. By then, I hope everybody will be able to come to Wuhan to enjoy delicious hot dry noodles, climb the famed Yellow Crane Tower and post funny selfies with your family. I firmly believe Wuhan will come out of its shock and everything will be back to normal..




From happiness to sorrow and loss, and back again




My father was born in the city of Wuhan and some of my relatives live there as well some also live overseas. Luckily, we can still connect with each other through a shared WeChat group called Happy Family where we catch up, post funny videos and gossip occasionally.



But 2020 turned out to be a year unlike any other.



In mid-January, we were all excited about the Chinese New Year 1 which was about to fall about 10 days later. Some were planning to travel to warm Hainan some were gonna make special big Spring Festival purchases and others were gonna visit their distant relatives. None of us fully realized what lay in wait.



Then on January the 23rd, news of a mysterious illness broke out a virus we now call COVID-19. This virus is highly infectious making people extremely sick and sometimes even killing them. At that moment, it was as if that Wuhan pushed a giant stop button and everything was put into lockdown.



Naturally, in the Happy Family WeChat group messages of anxiety and panic quickly popped up.

Do you have enough face masks?

Are we gonna have enough medical test kits?

Omg, I ve heard my neighbor just got the virus.

Spring Festival is supposed to be a time to sending out red envelopes but we began to send worry envelopes.







Every day, our WeChat group was bombarded with climbing figures of confirmed coronavirus cases and even deaths. Reports on social media were not helping any matters. Chaos was only causing more confusion. Then a message from Auntie Yun popped up telling us her neighbor had just died of the virus. He was only 48 years old and had been quite healthy. How could somebody like that just die? We were agitated and frightened. Then there was dead silence. Nobody would say anything. Wuhan became a ghost town and Happy Family became a ghost group.



A few days later a piece of news regarding my Auntie Peng broke the general silence of the group. She is a service worker and had been serving the community with sanitation inspections since the dawn of the outbreak. She put on protective suit wore her face mask and patrolled communities to keep track of residents' health and to inform local citizens to quarantine themselves. She went out early and came back late. She did not even have time to look after her 2-year-old child. She stated in her WeChat moments: I wish I can be Doramon so that I can have my own pharmacy to care for the sick and a supermarket to gather supplies.



Honestly, she was our entire inspiration of course but her husband, Uncle Hao, was extremely worried about her safety. And yet three days later, he was actually inspired to become her helping hand. Officially, he became the first volunteer of our family. He sent the sick to hospitals gave people food and water and helped out in many other ways. Not long after that, Auntie Yun's father also joined in. He went from house to house helping check citizens' temperatures to make sure infected people can get cured in time.



My family did not just stop there. Many relatives were very eager to help out and relieve the burden. Uncle Dong is a head chef from a family-owned restaurant. He noticed that doctors and nurses from the front lines were extremely anxious to get food. Henceforth, he signed up for a voluntary program where he would make meals for medical staff members. He made scrambled eggs with tomatoes, Wuchang fish and other steamed dishes which would be packaged and sent to hospitals nearby. This is meant as an appreciation and a boost of morale for medical workers on the frontlines of COVID-19 pandemic. Uncle Dong said: They are risking their own lives to save ours. I can never express my gratitude. I don't have much to offer, but this is the least that I can do. I hope they'll enjoy the authentic local cuisine.

家人们做的远不止这些。亲戚们都很想帮忙减轻负担。董大叔是一家家庭餐馆的主厨。他注意到前线的医生和护士吃饭成问题,于是他报名参加了一个志愿服务项目,为医务人员做饭。他做鸡蛋西红柿、武昌鱼和其他热菜,打包送到附近的医院,以此表达对医务人员的感激   ,并为辛勤工作的他们加油打气。董叔叔说:“他们冒着生命危险救我们,我的感激之情无法言表。能力有限,我尽量做些力所能及之事。希望他们会喜欢地道的本地菜。

Soon, two new emergency hospitals and numerous quarantine centers were built in the city of Wuhan. Thanks to the relentless efforts of the medical workers and volunteers patients were given the care that nursed many of them back to good health and saved countless lives. The situation started to turn around and we began to see a light at the end of the tunnel.



But it was really one month later when our Happy Family WeChat group started to sense any real relief. Some relatives resumed their daily activities and posted pictures of hot dry noodles they made at home. Others made talks about how ordinary people can battle against coronavirus and some posted their public square dance videos. Em, not so much, technically, it was a living room square dance.



Up till now, my family has had seven volunteers. And my family is only one of hundreds of thousands of families in Wuhan doing their own bits to pull the city together. If you think about it, my family has been in lockdown for 76 days, that's more than 1,800 hours of torturous isolation. Hundreds of thousands of millions of people in China have to cope with the severe measures taken to tame this virus. But it is our fellow citizens in Wuhan that sacrificed the most to save us from the worst. When we look at these stats they are not just dead figures they signify our feelings, ups and downs they represent countless families torn apart and heart-broken stories but they also symbolize the strength of unity. Without Wuhan's sacrifice from joint efforts from people from all walks of life we wouldn't have what we have achieved so far.

目前为止,我家有七人成为志愿者。但我的家人只是武汉数十万家庭中的一员,他们都在尽自己的一份力量让武汉好起来。回想一下,我们居家隔离76天,也就是1800多个小时的难熬时光。中国数亿人严格遵守隔离政策来对抗病毒。但是武汉人民做出了最大的牺牲,为了避免我们陷入最坏的情况。我们看到的这些数据,不仅仅是冰冷的数字 , 它们象征着我们心情的跌宕起伏,代表着无数家庭离散和心碎的故事,它们更象征着团结的力量。没有武汉的牺牲和社会各界的共同努力,战“疫”就不会有现在的成就。


Now coronavirus has developed from an epidemic to a full-scale global major pandemic and it is still far from being beaten and we began to think about those in other countries in their struggle. Even in China, coronavirus still remains undefeated but I'm sure the end is approaching. By then, I hope everybody will be able to come to Wuhan to enjoy delicious hot dry noodles, climb the famed Yellow Crane Tower and post funny selfies with your family. I firmly believe Wuhan will come out of its shock and everything will be back to normal.











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