如何与伴侣一起愉快地在家办公?专家给你支招5 ways to get along with your new coworker - your spouse

   2020-04-17 中国日报网英语点津0
核心提示:疫情迫使人们在家办公,也让很多夫妻有机会看见对方工作的样子。但是,一起过日子和一起工作毕竟不太一样,要怎么做才能和这个“新同事”保持融洽又默契的关系呢? Pho



Photo by Crew on Unsplash


1. Address the elephant in the room

Knowing what your partner does is one thing, but seeing them in action is another.


"We are forced into the intimacy, not just with spouses, but also with kids or whoever else is in the home," said Karen Bridbord, a psychologist in New York City.


The first step in making this situation work is to talk about it. Talk about any insecurities you may have whether it's participating in a video meeting or being eavesdropped on and what you need in terms of a work environment. Then create a schedule and set boundaries when it comes to separating work life and personal life.


"Have a more general conversation about concerns: what are you worried about vis-à-vis work -- your partner seeing you work being one of those -- and why you worry about them," said Jennifer Petriglieri, author of "Couples That Work: How Dual-Career Couples Can Thrive in Love and Work".


vis-à-vis['vizəvi]: 面对面,相对着


In this way, you're more likely to evoke empathy from the partner which will help negotiate boundaries.



2. Provide an inside look

Sometimes, our partners only hear the bad stuff about work: the micromanaging boss, that loud co-worker and the impossible deadlines.


But being forced to work out of the same office now can help change perceptions and even help partners and kids better understand what we do all day. And that's not a bad thing.


Make your work part of the daily conversation by talking about what you're working on and why it's important to you, suggested Petriglieri.


"When everyone understands the priorities and why they are important, we're more likely to be respectful of boundaries and appreciate each other's work space."



3. Use project management tactics

Tackle this situation like you would a challenge at the office: get organized, communicate and delegate.


That means defining everything that needs to be done, including child care, cleaning and cooking, and then delegating.


Having daily meetings to plan or assess the day or documenting all the responsibilities can help keep everyone on track.



4. Avoid treating each other like colleagues

You might be learning that your spouse is a fan of all the office clichés or holds too many meetings -- but it's best to keep that to yourself.


Even if you think your intentions are good, don't offer any unsolicited feedback when it comes to your partner's work style.


And don't mistake complaining as an opportunity to critique.


"Even if a partner is complaining about work, you shouldn't see that as an invitation or opportunity to provide critical feedback," said Anthony Chambers, chief academic officer at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. "Allow them to vent and be heard."



5. Don't go tit for tat

These working conditions aren't ideal for many people right now -- especially if you are juggling kids and other care giving responsibilities. It can feel overwhelming and exhausting, but try not to keep score of who is doing what around the house, or whose work is more pressing.





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