中国日报社总编辑周树春:全世界必须对任何形式的“政治病毒”说不!World must say no to 'political virus'

   2020-04-15 中国日报网英语点津0


《 这是需要我们团结一致、携手聚力的时刻》

周树春 中国日报社总编辑


I'm sure you all agree, the world is at war. But it's not a war among nations, it's the whole world against a common enemy, Covid-19.


As we fight the coronavirus, we can truly say "we're all together".


And that's the message we hope will resonate from this edition of Vision China, organized in collaboration with Tsinghua University, which itself is a pioneer in medical science against the disease.



In the past two months and more, an all-out "people's war" has been unfolding in China. Instead of being paralyzed by fear when this deadly virus surfaced, China moved full-speed ahead with resolute and extensive measures, including a nationwide lockdown, in the race to rein in the epidemic.


As a Beijing-based foreign diplomat observed in China Daily, "the efforts of the Chinese government and people are a true testament to their strength and bravery even in the direst of times."


The epidemic has undoubtedly taken an immense toll on the nation, and we mourn our fellow countrymen who died in the tragedy.


This is no time for complacency, but it's fair to say that with "the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history", as described by officials of the World Health Organization, China has achieved what many deemed impossible.


Statistics for recent weeks highlights the significant progress,China has made to bring the outbreak under control.


Just as the international community rallied to help us in our time of need, China has been quick to lend a hand to other countries, in both knowledge sharing and material aid.


China's inspirational experiences, treatment protocols and effective social mobilization have won plaudits, as is reflected in readers' feedback on our special website "Fighting Covid-19, the Chinese way", which is a data-base designed for foreign audiences to learn about how to combat the disease.


We at China Daily, along with our speakers today, believe this is time, in the first place, to salute the spirit of bravery and sacrifice on the part of medical workers in and outside China.


Judging from what's happening elsewhere, it can be said that without the dedication of more than 42,000 doctors and nurses who rushed to Wuhan, the worst-hit Chinese city, to join forces with local professionals, many more lives would have been lost.


At this moment, their foreign peers are fighting the same valiant fight to save lives in other parts of the world.



This is a time for unity and solidarity.


The fast-spreading pandemic has put all people in the same boat. We need to join hands and close ranks, and not to rock the boat with divisive behavior.


The world must say no to any sort of political virus, and transcend all possible differences to conquer our enemy.


This is a time for reason and responsibility.


The true nature and origin of this virus remain unknown. The only thing we know is that the virus respects no borders. A scientific attitude needs to prevail for the final victory.


The world is wary and scornful of attempts at inciting xenophobia, discrimination or stigmatization.



A pandemic of such magnitude represents a litmus test for the integrity of global leadership.


President Xi Jinping has stated since the onset of the epidemic that China upholds the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and calls for all nations to unite in building a community of public health.


As U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres wrote in our newspaper, this pandemic drives home the essential interconnectedness of "our human family". "We are in this together, and we will get through this, together."


Past catastrophes have changed the course of history; we hope the world will emerge from this sad moment in modern history much stronger on its path towards a truly global community of shared future.


编辑:胡雨濛 王瑜


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