
   2020-04-02 21英语网0
核心提示: 最近,一位在英国的中国留学生成了当地的“网红”人物。他以绘制图表的方式,让不少英国民众和网友更直观地了解了英国疫情的变化。A Chinese law student in the UK has been voluntarily creating graphs and charts and posting them on Twitter to help


A Chinese law student in the UK has been voluntarily creating graphs and charts and posting them on Twitter to help local residents and netizens better understand the spread of COVID-19.



Wu Peng, a 26-year-old international corporate law student at Leeds University, made his first chart on March 5 using the daily COVID-19 update from the British Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). 




Since then, he has created daily charts using data from official sources to keep his Twitter followers up to date on the pandemic.


Each day, Wu quickly updates the chart, which allows viewers to see the growth curve of the virus at a glance, as soon as the DHSC announces the daily numbers on Twitter.



Since the week before last week, Wu has started to tweet one more chart showing a comparative trend in confirmed cases and fatalities in the country. In addition, he shares the latest information from the government and health authorities to offer more channels for further reference.


His job proved to be an effective appeal to local residents for their attention to the virus. Wu has gained over 10,000 followers on Twitter so far. People see the charts as useful, and are requesting more. His quick response has earned him many compliments from netizens in both the UK and China.

吴芃在NHSC推文下的回复基本上都牢牢占据在 “最高赞”的地位,比如25日的两张图表,分别就有700+和300+的点赞。








利兹大学学生吴芃每日绘制英国的疫情发展图表赢得赞誉。记者Chris Burn和他对话


Wu Peng said: “At that time, the total was 115 cases and I knew that because at that time the Government wasn’t taking much action it definitely meant the real number would be higher.”


At the time, when asked what his prediction for the coming days was, he warned with what has proved to be some accuracy: “Every three days or so, the number doubles until something effective is done.”


Wu Peng’s intention was simple. “What I do every day is to draw a chart based on publicly available government data in a timely manner so that everyone can understand the growth trend more clearly,” he explained. “Insisting on doing this every day actually encourages everyone to continue to pay attention to the epidemic.”


On March 9, Wu Peng tweeted: “Please enact some mandatory measures by way of legislation, there is no doubt that isolation is the most effective method.”



"Different countries and especially China have a different economic and social background so it is very hard for the UK to take action like China did. The Prime Minister said he wished people would follow social distancing but at the weekend you saw many people out chatting with each other and many people went to the park near where I live in Leeds. If you don’t keep at a safe distance from someone who is infected, it is quite dangerous."


"I can’t make any prediction. I only know that in China they had eight weeks of very strict action and the Prime Minister has said here we will maybe be 12 weeks in this situation."


随着新冠肺炎疫情在英国日趋严峻,英国高校停课,一些国际留学生选择暂时回国。而吴芃选择留在英国。他说,中国驻英国使领馆近日给在英中国留学生发放近20万个防疫“健康包(health kits)”,而在国内的家人也提供了很多实用信息和建议,“这些都有利于我们做好防护,保护自己”。


“I will continue to do the updates every day until the tide turns,” Wu said.





综合来源:新华社,中国日报微信公众号,环球时报英文版网站,澎湃新闻,CGTN,Yorkshire Post,外交部官网


标签: 中国留学生
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