
   2020-04-01 21英语网0
核心提示:Lockdown measures have been enforced across the US to reduce the spread of the pandemic. XINHUAAmid the grim situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on March 19 that “more than ever before, we need s

Lockdown measures have been enforced across the US to reduce the spread of the pandemic. XINHUA

Amid the grim situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on March 19 that “more than ever before, we need solidarity, hope and coordinated global response to see this crisis through together”. However, some politicians attempted to politicize the novel coronavirus, damaging international solidarity.

On March 19, a picture shot by The Washington Post showed that, on the US President Donald Trump’s notes for a White House media briefing, someone crossed out the word “corona” in “coronavirus” and replaced it with “Chinese”. A day earlier, Trump also purposefully called the virus a “Chinese virus” in the briefing.

Before this, noted Sky News, he’d been calling it the coronavirus – so why the shift?

According to CNN, Trump repeatedly called COVID-19 a “Chinese virus” in speeches and tweets, which showed his attempt to mislead the public understanding.

By March 24, the number of US cases had surpassed 42,000, more than a 10-fold increase from a week earlier, according to the World Health Organization. The US has held the second largest cases of COVID-19 behind that of Italy, outside of the Chinese mainland.

Trump tried to avoid taking the blame for his own administration’s struggles to deal with the virus, according to CNN. Being incapable of putting the outbreak “under control”, Trump knew it could cause a recession and “if millions of Americans die, it will be on his watch ... Calling it the ‘Chinese virus’ is a way of deflecting blame,” commented Sky News. On March 23, Trump dropped his use of the term “Chinese virus” under increasing criticism, CNN reported.
美国有线电视新闻网表示,特朗普试图为其政府应对病毒的不作为开脱。无法“控制”疫情的特朗普明白这会导致经济衰退,“如果有数百万美国人死亡,那便是他任期内的责任 …… 称病毒为‘中国病毒’便是他推脱责任的方式之一,“天空新闻台评论道。据美国有线电视新闻网报道,3月23日,面对越来越多的批评声,特朗普表示不再使用“中国病毒”的表述。

Many have expressed opposition to such stigmatization of China.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that “China strongly opposes labeling the virus with the name of a country as it is immoral and unfair”. Such a move will divide the international community, Wang said, adding that it does not enhance efforts to unite countries in the battle against the spread of the pandemic, nor will it contribute to the disease prevention and control efforts in the US.

Indeed, when the World Health Organization (WHO) named the pneumonia COVID-19 in early February, the organization was very cautious to avoid stigmatizing a country or particular group.

On March 20, the Foreign Ministry reiterated that China believes that the origin of the virus is a matter of science which requires a professional and science-based assessment.

As Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said, “In this global fight against the coronavirus, everyone needs to respect facts, respect science, respect others and, above all, respect oneself, because where science cannot arrive for the time being, humanity will.”

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