
   2020-02-28 21英语网0
核心提示: 这是一场没有硝烟的战争,也是一场与时间赛跑,同病魔较量的战争。 2月11日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞曾在瑞士日内瓦宣布,将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎命名为“COVID-19”,并表示新型冠状病毒疫苗有望在18个月内准备就绪。  针对仍在持续的新冠肺炎疫情














The first batch of vaccines against the novel coronavirus has produced antibodies and undergone animal testing, an official of Zhejiang province's Science and Technology Department in East China said at a news conference last Sunday.


Song Zhiheng, deputy director of the department, said the recombinant adenovirus vaccine has begun cultivating recombinant virus and entered animal trials recently.






Westlake University and the provincial biology laboratory successfully resolved the receptor of coronavirus by applying cryo-electron microscopy, a technique performed on cryogenically cooled samples and embedded in an environment of vitreous water.


21日凌晨,西湖大学再次发布科研成果,解析了全长ACE2与新冠病毒S蛋白受体结合域的复合结构, 对发现和优化病毒进入细胞的抑制剂有重要作用,也进一步提升了我们打败病毒,战胜疫情的信心。


A laboratory under Westlake University, a private university cultivating high-level talent in advanced technology, disclosed the structure of the ACE2 receptor, the channel for novel coronavirus to enter cells, under cryo-electron microscopy in a paper released last Friday.









Animal testing is a must for any vaccine before it's put to public use. Researchers at Tongji University in Shanghai use healthy mice to test some of the latest coronavirus vaccine samples.


These vaccines are co-designed and developed by China CDC, Tongji University and a Shanghai vaccine company. After getting the antigen from China's CDC in late January, Dr. Li Hangwen and his team have spent two weeks producing these multiple types of m-RNA vaccine samples. 







Liu Zhongmin, president of Shanghai East Hospital under the Tongji University School of Medicine, told CGTN that mouse testing is just a preliminary screening for candidate vaccines. After searching through effective antibodies against this virus, the candidate vaccine will continue onto a toxicological test, which will need larger animals such as monkeys. That will allow us to gauge the safety of the vaccines before applying for clinical testing.






President Liu said this kind of mRNA-based vaccine is one of the most advanced and unique vaccine production technologies, and it has a shorter preparation time and higher efficiency.









The fastest vaccine candidate targeting the novel coronavirus is expected to begin clinical trials in late April, according to Xu Nanping, vice-minister for science and technology last Friday.


China has adopted multiple technological approaches at the same time to fast-track the development of a vaccine for the new virus, he said, adding that the vaccine development in China is at a similar stage as international efforts.


The fastest clinical testing of the novel coronavirus vaccine candidate will be conducted in late April, he said at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office.




Zeng Yixin, deputy head of the National Health Commission, also said that with the vaccine's well-laid foundation, the approval procedures can go through emergency channels. 






(A 3D atomic scale map, or molecular structure, of the 2019-nCoV spike protein. /University of Texas at Austin)






U.S. researchers mapped the first 3D atomic-scale structure of a key 2019 novel coronavirus protein, making a breakthrough toward developing vaccines, therapeutic antibodies and diagnostics, according to a study published online in the journal Science last Wednesday.




Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health used the cryogenic electron microscopy to map the spike protein of the virus that causes COVID-19.


They designed and produced samples of the stabilized spike protein after the team received the genome sequence of the virus from Chinese researchers, and then reconstructed the 3D atomic-resolution map.






The study found the 2019 novel coronavirus shared the same functional host-cell receptor called ACE2 with SARS virus, but ACE2 binds to the novel coronavirus with affinity about 10 or 20-fold higher than its binding to SARS virus.


The findings may provide a potential explanation for the apparent easy human-to-human transmission demonstrated by the novel coronavirus, but Jason McLellan, associate professor at UT Austin who led the study, told Xinhua that it's still unclear whether this higher affinity binding has any impact on the transmissibility of the virus.


McLellan also said they still don't know why the novel coronavirus binds tighter at a molecular level.




He has sent the atomic coordinates of the spike protein to many laboratories, with the majority based in China. "About 25 labs from China have asked for them so far," he said.




Researchers can use the coordinates to begin virtual drug screening to identify small molecules that may bind to the spike and disrupt its function, or to design novel protein molecules or antibodies that bind to the spike and inhibit its function, as well as to perform protein engineering to try and make variants of the spike with improved properties, such as higher expression levels or thermal stability, which can be advantageous for vaccine development, McLellan said.










标签: 疫苗 病毒
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