
   2020-02-13 21英语网0
核心提示:  这几天,武汉方舱医院内,一位在病床上坚持阅读的“方舱读书哥”火了。 Photos of a gentleman reading calmly in bed in the newly-built makeshift hospital in Wuhan, epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak, went viral on China's social me




Photos of a gentleman reading calmly in bed in the newly-built makeshift hospital in Wuhan, epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak, went viral on China's social media platforms, with many calling him the "The Reader in Fang Cang".




The man has even garnered attention from the author of the book featured in the photo, The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama, on Twitter.

据《楚天都市报》报道, “读书哥”姓付,现年39岁的他是博士后,在美国佛罗里达州立大学教书。老家在孝感市,父母居住在武汉。他在回武汉看望父母时不幸被新型冠状病毒感染,随后在2月5日成为第一批入住位于武汉国际会展中心方舱医院的患者。

Surnamed Fu, the 39-year old reader is currently a teaching postdoc at Florida State University after obtaining his doctorate degree in Wuhan University. His hometown is in Xiaogan, a city neighboring Wuhan, but his parents currently live in Wuhan. Fu was infected with novel coronavirus when he visited his parents, and he was among the first group of patients transferred to the cabin hospital at Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center on Feb 5.



He bought the book in Wuhan, and he likes reading, Fu told Hubei Daily. He was just reading the book out of interest and never anticipated that the photo would go viral.


Netizens were charmed by Fu's positive and calm attitude. "This picture of him reading in bed gives me strength and hope. " said one Weibo user. 


"When you feel depressed, reading is one of the solutions to heal your inner pains," said another netizen. 



Videos of patients exercising in the cabin hospital have also been widely circulated online. Square dance, calisthenics and tai chi are popular activities for quarantined patients to stretch and keep fit.



The woman who recorded the video, surnamed He, told ThePaper.cn she was transferred to the hospital on Feb 6 and has been posting pictures of her life at the hospital on her WeChat moments. "I saw some patients start to dance at the hospital and I also started to record me dancing and post the videos online," she was quoted as saying. "We are all victims of the virus, but we are still full of hope and love for life," she said. "I try to only convey positive attitudes to my family when we video chat every day, and I tell my child I will come home very soon."









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  • 中华太极拳踏上“申遗”之路
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