
   2020-01-03 21英语网0
核心提示: 提问:在即将跨入600岁高龄的时候,依然保持着独特的魅力,是一种什么体验? 故宫:那就谢邀啦! 没错,2020年是紫禁城建成600年,也是故宫博物院成立95周年。   600岁的故宫,现在又是什么模样? 在新年第一天,故宫官方微博@故宫博物院 也Po出一组










在新年第一天,故宫官方微博@故宫博物院 也Po出一组对比照片,并配文:一座城,沉淀600年的记忆。老照片是回忆,记录岁月的变迁。站在紫禁城中凝望,新老照片仿佛将时间之河折叠,历史与当下重合,不禁感叹:#600岁风华正茂# 。而#故宫今年600岁了#的话题阅读量在昨天下午就达到了1.4亿次。


Since Wednesday, a group of photos that compare the Palace Museum's past with its current went viral online, and had been read 140 million times by Thursday noon.










China's Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, will stage a series of seminars, exhibitions and public service activities as the former imperial compound turns 600, its curator Wang Xudong said on Monday. In addition, a series of research publications and several film and television works will be unveiled, according to Wang. The year 2020 also marks the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Palace Museum.




The exhibitions will feature ancient architecture, calligraphy, paintings as well as Chinese and foreign civilizations.





One exhibition will present the changes in the Forbidden City based on more than 20 key years over the past 60 decades.




“Past Lives: Ancient Figure Paintings in the Palace Museum Collection” showcases the development of figure paintings from the Eastern Jin dynasty (317–420) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) through selected masterpieces from the Palace Museum collection.






Another exhibition on Su Shi's (1037-1101) calligraphy and painting will display the great poet's artistic attainments and personal charisma.


北宋 苏轼行书治平帖卷(局部




The Ceramics Gallery will reopen at the Hall of Martial Valor, or Wuying dian, showcasing 1,000 fine pottery works to illustrate the history of China's ceramics.






Based on the 2014's exhibition "China at Versailles, Art and Diplomacy in the 18th Century" at the Palace of Versailles, one exhibit highlights China and Versailles, combining gifts from the French court, missionary and diplomatic envoys collected at the Palace Museum to represent the Sino-French cultural and art exchanges during the 18th century.


凡尔赛宫外景 图片来自凡尔赛宫官网




Among the public service activities, 600 high school students from across the Taiwan Strait and the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions will be invited to visit the museum.





Commemorative tickets, coins and stamps will be issued as well.






文创口红 用穿越百年的国宝色装点唇齿



元宵灯会 一点灯满满的紫禁城味道



角楼火锅 体验“奉旨涮锅”的感觉



中秋月饼 “朕的心意不止貌美还好吃!”















It was in 1406 that Zhu Di, the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, ordered the construction of a royal palace in Beijing, his new capital. Fourteen years later, the palace was ready and started rendering service to two dynasties that succeed one another. After the last emperor of China, Pu Yi of the Qing Dynasty, abdicated in 1912 and moved out of the palace in 1925, the premises in the Forbidden City was opened to the public and came to be called the Palace Museum.





After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Palace Museum underwent further repairs, but the major parts of the Palace Museum remained what they were. 




Each brick of the museum, spread across 720,000 square meters, thus echoes the history of 600 years. 





The Palace Museum is like a history book, replete with both sweet and bitter pages. Every invasion left its indelible mark on it. In 1860, Beijing was occupied by the Anglo-French expeditionary army; In 1900, it was again occupied by the joint forces of eight imperialist countries.




The Palace Museum's biggest dome came crashing down in 1937, when it was occupied by the then imperial Japanese army. During the eight years it was occupied, there is historical evidence to suggest the imperial army pillaged more than a ton of copper items from the palace to make bullets and cannon.





Yet the Palace Museum survived all the catastrophes.




In the civil war that followed, the city was peacefully liberated for preservation of cultural relics inside, and that's how the Palace Museum avoided further damage and returned to the hands of the people.




Now the Palace Museum is the busiest museum of the world, with 17 million visitors every year and a perseveration of over 1.8 million antiques. While enjoying this relic of human kind, it is advisable to pay respect to its 600 years of history that faithfully record what happened in this piece of soil.





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