
   2019-12-24 21英语网0
核心提示: 想当年,动画电影《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen) 中的一曲《Let it Go》火遍全球,一时间似乎人人都能模仿艾莎唱上那么几句(笑)~Let It GoIdina Menzel - Frozen (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition]您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。

想当年,动画电影《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen) 中的一曲《Let it Go》火遍全球,一时间似乎人人都能模仿艾莎唱上那么几句(笑)~

Let It Go
Idina Menzel - Frozen (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition]
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As the new movie begins, Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) hears strange music from beyond Arendelle, going on a quest with her sister Anna (Kristen Bell), their magical snowman Olaf (Josh Gad) and Anna’s boyfriend Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) to find its source. The journey will not only reveal a surprise about Arendelle’s history but also shed new light on Elsa and Anna’s deceased parents.






It was the highly anticipated Disney sequel. 


And Frozen 2 has officially iced out its competition, leading the box office on its opening weekend.


The animated film managed to pull in $127 million in North America and made history as the largest day-and-date global animation debut in history with $350 million worldwide, according to Variety.






而在国外影评网站“烂番茄”(Rotten Tomatoes) 上,第一部的烂番茄新鲜度为90%。








《滚石》杂志 (Rolling Stones) 表示,好歌、好玩、好故事,《冰雪奇缘2》都集齐了~








好莱坞权威周刊《综艺》(Variety) 认为这部续作改变了童话的一贯模式↓↓↓



美国商业新闻网站《商业内幕》网站 (Business Insider) 表示,这部续作太值得了!



《美国周刊》(Us Weekly) 还总结出了《冰雪奇缘2》的几大精彩看点:



Your Burning Questions, Answered








Perhaps you were too busy gaping over Frozen’s visual innovation and surprising tale of sisterly bonding to notice — or care about — some of the narrative shortcomings. Now those loops have been closed. 


At long last, you’ll learn why Elsa and Anna’s royal mom and dad ditched them and traveled out to sea (where they met their untimely demise). Their past involves a slew of new characters ushered into the present, including a former Arendelle lieutenant guard and the leader of the nomadic Northuldra trib. 


Queen Elsa also discovers the origin of her frozen-to-the-touch superpowers. And, because the movie would be boring if it solely consisted of dense history lessons, she must rise to the occasion to fulfill her destiny.




It’s Music to Your Ears


再说一遍,《随它吧》是影片不容忽视的重头戏。这首朗朗上口的奥斯卡获奖歌曲无法复制。但克里斯汀·安德森·洛佩兹和罗伯特·洛佩兹这对作曲夫妻档,创作出了艾莎在出发前往未知之地的这首《Into The Unknown》。艾莎唱出那句副歌时,听得人鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。

Into the Unknown
Idina Menzel;AURORA - アナと雪の女王2(オリジナル・サウンドトラック)
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Again, “Let it Go” is the freezing elephant in the room. The catchy Oscar-winning anthem can’t be duplicated. But the husband-wife team of Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez do try with “Into the Unknown,” which Elsa belts out before she sets out into, uh, the unknown. As she soon as she hits that chorus, chills will run down your spine.



Kristoff Is in the Spotlight


在续作中,克里斯托夫不光表演了一把管乐器,还有了自己的独唱曲。这首歌也是相当不错噢。这首《Lost in the Woods》好玩的复古抒情歌,歌中克里斯托夫夸张地表现着他对安娜的爱。他想要得到她,他需要她,但是她离开了他。他的心还会矢志不渝嘛?!

Lost in the Woods
Jonathan Groff - アナと雪の女王2(オリジナル・サウンドトラック)
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In the sequel, he not only shows off his pipes, Kristoff gets his own solo. And it’s a doozy. The number, “Lost in the Woods,” is a tongue-in-cheek retro power ballad in which an emoting Kristoff pines for his love, Anna. He wants her, he needs her, but she left him. Will his heart go on?! 



You’ll LOL. A lot.




Frozen 2 is funny, and would probably be even funnier if some of the jokes weren’t ruined in the trailer. As in the original, Gad’s eternally sunny Olaf the snowman supplies the bulk of the humor. The jokes range from small one-liners to jumbo-sized monologues, and all it is hilarious. Bell also has some nice moments; though Anna is no longer seeking out her lost and emotionally detached sister, she’s still neurotic and scrappy. 



The Story Is Sophisticated




It is fair to say that the franchise has grown up. Anna isn’t just a girl falling in love with the first guy who pays attention to her; she and Kristoff are ready to be engaged. Though our friends start out as a unit, they ultimately separate and learn how to persevere on their own. They must look within instead of banding together to stop a conniving villain. Themes include betrayal, grief and deception that apparently span several generations in Elsa and Anna’s family. Then again, so is the message of love. Is your heart melting yet?




专业影评网站Cultured Vultures 认为,剧情不是策划得越宏大越好。






One song feels straight out of The Greatest Showman, while another song has the lyrics, “Some look for trouble, while others don’t,” as if they had no idea what to put in the second half of the sentence. Where the first film used music as a means of storytelling, the second film is a musical because the first film was a musical.










There are more costume changes in Frozen II than there are at a Beyoncé concert. Most Disney princess animations are intended to sell party dresses to children, but this is the first which is so obviously meant to launch a fashion line. 





《今日美国》(USA Today) 看完电影后,怀念起了令人惊艳的第一部……





The themes of growing up – especially evidenced by Olaf – make sense for a massive fandom of boys and girls moving through formative years themselves. But unfortunately, “Frozen 2” is a heavily plotted – and sometimes plodding – affair with way too much going on and not enough of it working together cohesively. 


“成长的主题 —— 在雪宝身上尤为明显 —— 对大量的小男孩小女孩粉丝群而言合情合理,他们的价值观都逐渐成型。但不幸的是,《冰雪奇缘2》情节内容太多了 —— 有时显得冗长乏味 —— 太多事件都同时发生,而且还放在一起还不协调。”





综合来源:Screen Daily, Daily Mail, Us Weekly, Cultured Vultures, BBC, USA Today


标签: 续集 奇缘
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