“想黑中国,也要用点脑子!” 外交天团2019高能回怼名场面,超硬核!

   2019-12-24 21英语网0
核心提示: 面对外界质疑的声音,我国外交部总会代表中国及时给予铿锵有力地回应。 霸气沉稳,幽默犀利,展示了不卑不亢的大国气度。从回应“孟晚舟案”到“怒怼“CNN记者,内容有理有据,金句频出。 近日在外交部例行记者会上,有记者针对丹麦媒体关于华为的不实报









Do you think China is still in an era where the US can do all it can to smear, attack and oppress us while we cannot even mention a name, much less talk back? Well, that era is long gone. It is our responsibility to defend the legitimate rights of Chinese nationals and companies.











China supports relevant companies and individuals in seeking legal redress to protect their rights and interests and refusing to be victimized like "silent lambs", State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Mar 8.


Recent actions against a particular Chinese company and individual are by no means a pure judicial case but "deliberate political suppression", Wang said at a news conference on the sidelines of the annual legislative session.


The Chinese government will continue to take "all necessary measures" to safeguard legitimate and lawful interests of Chinese businesses and citizens, Wang said.









The US has long been treating Latin America as its backyard, where it would resort to willful use of pressure, threat or even subversion. People can tell right from wrong. I am sure Latin American countries are fully capable of telling a true friend from a false one who is ignoring rules and spreading chaos.




I need to point out that for quite some time, certain US politicians have been touring the globe with the same script in their pockets to smear China, starting fires and fanning the flames and sowing discords. Such behaviors are really beneath their dignity. A lie will remain a lie, even if repeated a thousand times. Monsieur Pompeo might as well take a break.









As approved by the Chinese procuratorial organ, Michael Kovrig was arrested according to law for suspected crimes in secretly gathering state secrets and intelligence for foreign forces, and Michael Spavor was arrested for suspected crimes in stealing and illegally providing state secrets to foreign forces.




I need to make it clear to the Canadian side that, like we said on previous occasions, China has taken compulsory measures on the two Canadians in accordance with law and the Chinese procuratorial organ has lawfully approved their arrest. The actions we have taken are entirely law-based. We hope the Canadian side does not make irresponsible remarks on it.









I would just point out that the US has repeatedly resorted to bullying trade practices and China is not the only victim. As we emphasized repeatedly, China has taken countermeasures to the US unilateralism and protectionism not only to safeguard its own legitimate rights and interests, but also to uphold multilateralism and the global free trade regime.










In his public speech in April this year, Mr. Pompeo, incumbent US Secretary of State and former head of the biggest US intelligence agency, said blatantly that "We lied, we cheated, we stole. It is the glory of American experiment." But China is different. We don't steal, rob or lie. We made all those major development achievements through our wisdom and diligence.









In June, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi even called the demonstrations in Hong Kong "a beautiful sight to behold". I hope there will be more "beautiful sights" of this kind in the US.











We Chinese always believe that one's word shall be kept at all costs. As Confucius observed over 2000 years ago, "One must keep one's word with results-oriented actions." This is part of our cultural tradition and a way of life for the Chinese people. When it comes to abiding by international treaties and fulfilling international obligations, China has a very good track record.




The US, on the contrary, has been breaking commitments, overturning consensus and trampling on rules at every turn. Just look at its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the JCPOA, and more recently, the INF treaty. It never hesitates to renege on its earlier major commitments that bear on global strategic balance and stability. Does it have even a shred of credibility left?




So, as a country that is so good at flip-flops and withdrawals, that is always ready to knock over the table and walk away, the US is in no place to talk about honoring commitments.











You are with CNN, right? You asked this question out of turn and earned no credits at all.




In your question you presumed those victims were Chinese and linked this case with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. This is a problem. It exposes something in your mind or rather, in the mind of some American media that you represent. What kind of answer did you hope to get from that?









But I wonder why is the fuss over a normal and regular exercise of China's fleet at its own doorstep?The relevant activity complies with international law and international practice. We urge relevant sides to stop actions that interfere with China's normal military operations.











There indeed is no moral equivalence between China and the US. In the international community, China always upholds peace, development and justice while the self-centered US pursues selfish gains at the expense of others and walks away from commitments. Its motto seems to be that whoever stands with it shall prosper and whoever doesn't shall perish.



金句11:根本不是human rights defender,而恰恰是 human rights offender




人权并不是一句口号,它应该是具体的、实践的。美国在这些人权问题上的具体表现,与它长期自诩为“人权卫士”形成了强烈的反差,是莫大的讽刺。事实说明,美国绝对不是它自诩的“人权卫士”,而是“人权侵害者”。或者说,美国根本不是human rights defender,而恰恰是 human rights offender 或human rights abuser


Human rights is not a slogan to be chanted; it should be concrete and tangible actions. What the US practices on human rights is in sharp contrast with what it preaches. This is the greatest irony. The US is by no means the "human rights defender" it claims to be, but a human rights offender or abuser.









In New Year's Sacrifice, a short story written by a famous Chinese writer Lu Xun, there is a figure known as Wife of Xianglin who keeps telling the same story time and again. Mr. Pompeo is behaving just like her. But unlike her harmless monologue, Mr. Pompeo keeps repeating poisonous lies.









I wonder what you make of this report? It's so laughable for me anyway. Is the Chinese police too silly, the Australian police too incompetent or this US ambassador too stupid? He claims Chinese police travel all the way across the sea to threaten Uighurs with fake police cars parked outside their residences. Come on, even the worst screenwriter in Hollywood can do better than this.




A word of advice: Even if driven out of mind by attempts to defame China, please use the brain a little bit. Otherwise such tales will only end up as another laughing stock.






标签: 中国 外交
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