
   2019-12-24 21英语网0
核心提示: 前几天,“网易前员工”的话题甚嚣尘上(戳这里回顾),而这几天,“华为前员工”的事件再度引爆网络。 据报道,华为前员工李洪元因离职赔偿金问题,被公司投诉敲诈勒索,被羁押251天,最后因证据不足被检察院决定不起诉而获得人身自由,获得约10万元赔偿





A former Huawei employee detained in Shenzhen for 251 days on suspicion of extortion has been released and received 100,000 yuan in state compensation.





In response, Huawei said on Monday the company has the right and obligation to report suspected illegal activities based on the facts to judicial authorities and that the company respects decisions from the judicial authorities, including the public security organ, the procuratorate and the court. If Li Hongyuan believes his rights have been impaired, the company supports his use of legal means to defend his rights, including suing Huawei; that reflects the spirit of the law that everyone is equal before the law.







Li joined Huawei in 2005, and left in January 2018. After negotiation, the company agreed to pay Li 383,651.24 yuan as departure compensation.




In March, 2018, Li received the money from a secretary who worked with Li in his department.






On Dec 16, 2018, Li was detained by the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau on suspicion of extortion, and was arrested on Jan 22, 2019 following a report from his former department manager.




On Aug 23, Li was acquitted when the Shenzhen Longgang district people's procuratorate decided not to prosecute him due to unclear facts and insufficient evidence.






On Oct 24, Li asked the Shenzhen Longgang district people's procuratorate to remove the influence, rehabilitate the reputation, and make an apology, as well as pay compensation of 78,985 yuan in personal liberty damages and 50,000 yuan in emotional damages, based on the grounds of "insufficient evidence for arrest, and then stopping the investigation for criminal responsibility".




On Nov 25, the Shenzhen Longgang district people's procuratorate decided to give state compensation to Li, awarding 79,300.94 yuan for personal liberty damage and 27,755 yuan for emotional damage, as well as sent a letter to Huawei and his father's company to remove any stain to his reputation caused by the detainment.





Following his release from jail, the 42-year-old says he would like to start his own business, as he’s “too old” to be employed elsewhere. In his most recent interview with The Paper, Li said he’s in the process of leaving Shenzhen to return to his hometown in Zhejiang. He said he doesn’t plan to accept further media interviews, as the case has already spiraled “out of control.”









Li was released from custody in August after his wife found a two-hour audio recording of Li’s severance negotiations with the company’s HR department and presented it to the procuratorate as proof of her husband’s innocence.












The case sparked heated debate. Some netizens raised concerns about whether there are significant flaws in Huawei's management system. While some netizens argued that a telecoms empire like Huawei, with more than 100,000 employees, should have a more mature management mechanism. Huawei's failure to resolve the conflict in a more reasonable way reflects loopholes in its management, they said. 




However, some were opposed to using the incident to define Huawei's management system. It was reported that Huawei invests heavily every year to optimize its management. It is not only leading the world in 5G network technology, but has also trained a large number of IT talent for China.


综合来源:Chinadaily微信公众号,环球时报英文版网站,澎湃新闻,Sixth Tone


标签: 员工
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