
   2019-11-06 21英语网0
核心提示:“雪龙2”号抵达澳大利亚 首次停靠外港 图片来源:新华社Antarctica is a freezing faraway wasteland covered with glaciers. Thanks to two research icebreakers, Xuelong and Xuelong 2, scientists can now explore more of this mysterious continent.

“雪龙2”号抵达澳大利亚 首次停靠外港 图片来源:新华社

Antarctica is a freezing faraway wasteland covered with glaciers. Thanks to two research icebreakers, Xuelong and Xuelong 2, scientists can now explore more of this mysterious continent.

On Oct 15, Xuelong 2 embarked on a one-month journey to Antarctica. Setting sail from the Shenzhen Shekou Cruise Homeport, the vessel will travel to China’s Antarctic research centers, including Zhongshan Station and Great Wall Station.

Xuelong also set off on Oct 22 from Shanghai to join Xuelong 2 for China’s 36th Antarctic expedition. Once there, they will collect data and make observations near Enderby Land – located along the northeastern coast of the continent.

According to Qin Weijia, director of the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration, the expedition “aims to grasp the influence of Antarctic changes on the world, improve China’s ability to cope with climate change and increase participation in Antarctic global governance.”

Setting off on its first voyage to the Antarctic Circle, Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, is a significant part of the expedition.

As China’s first domestically built polar icebreaker, Xuelong 2 features innovative technology both in terms of ice clearance and research gathering.

Xuelong 2 is 122.5 meters long, 22.3 meters wide, and can sail more than 37,000 kilometers in a single voyage and sustain 60-day expeditions with 90 crew members and researchers, according to its builder, China State Shipbuilding Corp.

Incorporating state-of-the-art design and advanced equipment, Xuelong 2 is capable of operating in any ocean around the world.

Wu Gang, chief designer of the icebreaker, said it can break ice up to 1.5 meters thick. With a maximum speed of 27.8 kilometers per hour, it can operate in temperatures as low as -30 C.

“Xuelong 2 will become a major platform for China’s oceanic environmental survey and scientific research in the polar regions,” Qin Weijia told China Daily.

Together, both ships will perform multidisciplinary observations on the sea, atmosphere, ice shelf, and biology. The project also aims to conduct preliminary construction work on China’s fifth Antarctic research station.

Wu said work has already begun on a next-generation icebreaker that will be even more advanced than Xuelong 2. It will be able to break ice about 3 meters thick and operate in temperatures as low as -45 C.

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