
   2019-09-27 21英语网0
核心提示:Hanfu fashion has become trendy among young people. TUCHONGChina has embraced Western fashion and futuristic designs in recent decades, but a growing number of young people are now looking to the past for fashion advice.近几十年来,中国逐渐

Hanfu fashion has become trendy among young people. TUCHONG

China has embraced Western fashion and futuristic designs in recent decades, but a growing number of young people are now looking to the past for fashion advice.

If you look closely around your city, you might spot hanfu, the traditional clothing of the Han ethnic group. In a recently published report by online shopping platform Tmall, more than 2 million hanfu outfits were sold in 2018. The number of hanfu buyers increased by 92 percent compared to 2017. The average age of buyers was 21, with about 52 percent between 19 and 24 years old.
如果你仔细观察自己所在的城市,或许会在大街上看到汉族传统服饰 —— 汉服。网络购物平台天猫近期发布的一项报告显示,2018年售出的汉服超过200万件。购买汉服的人数和2017年相比增长了92%。购买者的平均年龄为21岁,其中19-24岁的年轻人约占52%。

But why has this traditional clothing become trendy among young Chinese people?

For some of them, it’s a costume for relaxation. Dafan, a 24-year-old college student, told CGTN that dressing in hanfu is a way for her to escape the troubles of real life. Modern clothing, on the other hand, represents the identity people need to show every day.

“Hanfu and modern clothing help me to release the different sides in me,” she explained.

Other youngsters like hanfu because of the culture behind it. They regard it as a way to reconnect with traditions. Its wide sleeves, crossed collars and flowing robes bring people back to ancient times.

“What’s behind hanfu is inheritance of the Chinese civilization,” Nanhe, a 21-year-old costume studio owner, told CGTN.

That’s probably why some fans have started to bring the traditional clothing abroad. Sohu reported on a Bilibili vlogger who climbed Germany’s highest peak wearing hanfu this summer. She received praise from tourists.

“Many Chinese people are taking a liking for hanfu, as it helps them establish their national identity and belonging,” Zhang Yiwu, a professor of Chinese literature at Peking University, told China Daily.

标签: 人中 汉服
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