
   2019-08-26 21英语网0
核心提示:说起咱们的外交天团,网友们脑海中会浮现出一系列精准又接地气的精彩回应,比如华春莹的“呵呵”送给在中美经贸磋商中需要展现诚意和诚信的美方(戳这里回顾)。 而这几天,网友们熟识的“外交天团”又出金句了!  有理不在声高,公道自在人心 8月22日外









耿爽表示:“当前中加关系遭遇了严重困难,责任完全在加方。加方很清楚当前中加关系的症结。有理不在声高,公道自在人心。我们敦促加方反省错误,认真对待中方的严正立场和关切,立即释放孟晚舟平安回国。 ”


"Lately China-Canada relations have encountered serious difficulties. The responsibility lies completely with the Canadian side. Canada knows the root cause clearly. Loudness is not necessarily persuasive and people can tell right from wrong. We urge the Canadian side to reflect upon its wrongdoing, take China's solemn position and concerns seriously, immediately release Ms. Meng Wanzhou and ensure her safe return to China. "



“另外,我们也注意到,加方近来在涉港问题上频频发声,有一系列的错误言论。这里我要再次指出,香港事务纯属中国内政,不容任何国家、组织和个人干预。加方没有任何资格和权利来妄议香港事务。我们希望加方能够遵循国际法和国际关系基本准则,停止在香港事务上说三道四、指手画脚,干涉中国内政。 ”


"We have also noted that the Canadian side made a series of incorrect comments on Hong Kong. Let me say this again: Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs and brook no interference from any country, organization or individual. Canada is in no place and has no right to wantonly comment on them. We hope it will abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, stop its wanton criticism on Hong Kong affairs and interference in China's internal affairs. "








“中国人一向讲究君子一言,驷马难追’。两千多年前,孔老夫子就教育我们要言必信,行必果’。这是我们的文化传统,也是我们的为人处事之道。中国在遵守国际条约、履行国际义务方面,有着很好的信誉记录。 ”


"We Chinese always believe that one's word shall be kept at all costs. As Confucius observed over 2000 years ago, 'One must keep one's word with results-oriented actions.' This is part of our cultural tradition and a way of life for the Chinese people. When it comes to abiding by international treaties and fulfilling international obligations, China has a very good track record. "



“倒是美国,动辄就违背承诺、推翻共识、践踏规则。远的,比如说美国退出《巴黎气候协定》、退出《伊朗核问题全面协议》,就不说了;近的,美国刚刚退出《中导条约》。美方就事关全球战略平衡与稳定作出的重大承诺,说反悔就反悔,有何信誉可言? ”


"The US, on the contrary, has been breaking commitments, overturning consensus and trampling on rules at every turn. Just look at its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the JCPOA, and more recently, the INF treaty. It never hesitates to renege on its earlier major commitments that bear on global strategic balance and stability. Does it have even a shred of credibility left? "



“所以我要说,一个频频‘变脸’、毁约退群,动不动就掀翻桌子走人的国家,根本没有资格谈什么守信、谈什么承诺、谈什么履约。 ”


"So, as a country that is so good at flip-flops and withdrawals, that is always ready to knock over the table and walk away, the US is in no place to talk about honoring commitments. "













"We could not agree more with Russia's position. Lately there have been several illegal marches in Moscow. The Russian government took measures to uphold social stability. There is sound legal basis for it. What is disturbing is that some Western countries rushed to the scene with their finger-pointing and tricks. Just as Russia described, this is typical interference in other countries' internal affairs and the very embodiment of hegemony."





"I need to point out the following. What certain foreign forces are up to in Russia is the same with their agenda in Hong Kong, China. A recent Russian statement on the situation in Hong Kong said that Western interference in China's domestic affairs goes far beyond rhetoric. They will do whatever it takes to contain China. These remarks have brought certain countries' dishonorable role in the violent activities in Hong Kong into sharp focus. They also exposed the hidden intention of external forces in instigating violence to destabilize Hong Kong. China completely agrees with and highly appreciates the statement."





"I would like to emphasize that China and Russia share common interests and needs in safeguarding sovereignty and national security, upholding social stability and order, and opposing foreign intervention. China stands ready to work with Russia to act on our presidents' important consensus and deepen our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era. We will increase exchange and mutual learning, strengthen mutual support, communication and coordination, and uphold our shared interests."









"In disregard of China's solemn position, international law and basic norms governing international relations, the Canadian side has made irresponsible remarks on Hong Kong affairs repeatedly and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs. China deplores and firmly opposes that."




"I would like to stress once again that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs. They brook no interference from any country, organization or individual. The Canadian side has no right to wantonly comment on Hong Kong affairs. Attempts to create chaos and undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability will never win the support of the people and are doomed to fail."





"The China-Canada relations have encountered serious difficulties due to Canada's arrest of Meng Wanzhou without cause. We demand the Canadian side to deeply reflect upon its mistakes, put itself in a right position, stop its wrongdoing before it's too late, and exercise prudence in words and deeds on Hong Kong-related issues. Otherwise, it will cause greater damage to our bilateral relations."




8月13日,外交部发言人华春莹就美方涉港恶劣言论答记者问。她表示,相关言论罔顾事实、颠倒黑白,唯恐天下不乱! 有记者问:据报道,12日,美众院议长佩洛西,参议员麦康奈尔、卢比奥,众议员约胡等人发推特,指责香港特区警察使用暴力镇压示威者,并妄称中国中央政府侵蚀香港的民主和自由,请问中方有何评论? 






"The US denied on many occasions its involvement in the on-going violent incidents in Hong Kong. However, the comments from those members of the US congress have provided the world with new and powerful evidence on the country's involvement. By neglecting and distorting the truth, they whitewashed violent crimes as a struggle for human rights and freedom, and deliberately misinterpreted the work of Hong Kong police as violent repression when the police were only enforcing the law, fighting crimes and upholding social order. They even incited the Hong Kong residents to engage in confrontation with the SAR government and the central government. How anxious are they to instigate and see chaos!"





"In the US, members of the Congress are also called lawmakers. I cannot help asking the relevant senators and House representatives: are you lawmakers or law-breakers? We solemnly remind you this plain truth: Hong Kong affairs are entirely China's internal affairs, and you are neither entitled nor qualified to wantonly comment on them. Mind your own business and stay out of Hong Kong affairs."









"The US has been making various Hong Kong-related accusations that are wanton, fact-distorting and inflammatory. Some senior US politicians and diplomatic officials met and engaged with anti-China rabble-rousers in Hong Kong, criticized China unreasonably, propped up violent and illegal activities and undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. These facts are only too obvious. I'd like to ask the US this question again: what is the true intention behind your behaviors relating to Hong Kong?"






"I need to reemphasize a plain truth. Hong Kong is part of China, and its affairs are entirely China's internal affairs. We urge the US to observe international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and to stop interfering in China's internal affairs at once."






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