
   2019-08-15 21英语网0
核心提示: 最近有个小男孩火上了热搜↓ 不知道大家还记得他吗? 对,就是那个语言天赋让人望尘莫及,多国语言自由切换的柬埔寨男孩沙利,而且人家不限于简单用语,还能对答如流~ 当时为了在景区卖出东西,男孩还放出大招:唱起了抖音神曲《我们不一样》,甚至即兴改

最近有个小男孩火上了热搜↓ 不知道大家还记得他吗?















Fifteen-year-old Cambodian boy Thuch Salik never expected to become the first Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) talent at an international school in China in 2019.


He shot to fame in China in 2018 when videos of him speaking more than 10 languages selling souvenirs in Cambodia went viral on Chinese social media. In the videos, he was seen touting tourists by singing songs to potential buyers. Salik can speak Cambodian, Chinese, English, and simple greetings in Japanese, Korean, Spanish, German, French, Thai, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Malay, Italian and Russian.  








Thuch Salik become an overnight celebrity last year, after a video of him selling souvenirs at Angkor Archaeological Park in multiple languages and dialects went viral online.


At the time of the video being filmed, Thuch lived with his parents and two brothers close to the park. His parents had relocated the family from the city of Battambang to Siem Reap to work in the tourist trade, but incurred great debts during the move. 


Thuch's father, 42-year-old Son Vuthy, and eldest brother, 16-year-old Thuch Sitha, worked as artists painting Angkor vistas, whilst his mother, 37-year-old Mam Canna, worked with Thuch and her youngest son, 11-year-old Thuch Titya, selling souvenirs. 


In the morning, the boys were able to go to school, but in the afternoon, they had to work to support the family.





“When I sold souvenirs with my children, if I saw a tourist buying a souvenir from them, I felt happy. But I was also sad when I saw them not buying anything and threatening my children. I felt pity for them, but I didn't know what to do because we were poor,” said Mam.





"I began selling souvenirs at the age of 7 in my hometown because my parents didn't have enough money. Children were happy when they could sell products, so I wanted to do that too," Salik said. "In the first two months, I didn't sell anything. I didn't earn any money until we went to sell products at more famous places of interest like Angkor Wat. There are a lot of Chinese tourists there. I tried to speak with them in mixed Chinese and English. I sang 'buy or not, no buy no beautiful' in Chinese. They were happy and they bought souvenirs from me. I could earn $10-15 a day. On the best days, I earned $20."









"I hope I can study Chinese at Peking University and become a businessman in the future," Salik told the Global Times. "Back in my hometown, I only studied two hours in the morning, then sold souvenirs at scenic spots in the afternoon. I love this school a lot. I can study hard."


He added, "Although written Chinese is a bit hard for me now, I have no problem with spoken Chinese, math and English."  


Salik said that he is now happy to be a student in China.






标签: 柬埔寨 他真
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