
   2019-08-15 21英语网0
核心提示:这两天,范思哲(Versace)、蔻驰(Coach)、纪梵希(Givenchy) 等品牌纷纷陷入舆论风波,登上微博热搜。 而背后的原因则令无数网友愤怒 —— 不尊重中国主权。    范思哲 Versace     据新华社报道,近日有网友爆料称,意大利奢侈品牌范思哲(Versace)

这两天,范思哲(Versace)、蔻驰(Coach)、纪梵希(Givenchy) 等品牌纷纷陷入舆论风波,登上微博热搜。


而背后的原因则令无数网友愤怒 —— 不尊重中国主权。


范思哲 Versace








Versace apologized for mislabeling China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) as countries last Sunday.


Early at 2:12 a.m. on Sunday, Versace's official Weibo account posted an apology letter for mislabeling Hong Kong and Macao as countries on its T-shirts.


Previously, a batch of Versace T-shirts featuring a list of "city-country" pairs grabbed people's attention. In the list, dozens of pairs like "Milan-ITALY" "Chicago-USA" could be seen, together with the wrongly-labeled "Hong Kong-HONG KONG" and "Macau-MACAO."


The apology letter says, "Due to our wrong design, some cities don't match the correct country. The particular T-shirts are not sold anymore and were disposed of by all Versace official channels since July 24. "


"Versace reiterates that we love China deeply, and resolutely respect China's territory and national sovereignty," it says at the end.




Twelve minutes before the apology letter was posted, the company of its Chinese brand ambassador, actress and singer Yang Mi, announced on Weibo that Yang had ended the contract and all cooperation with the brand.


"At all times, our motherland's sovereignty and territorial integrity are sacred, inviolable and indivisible! Sticking to the one-China policy and protecting our motherland's unification is the responsibility of every citizen of the People's Republic of China!" the announcement said.






The incident soon provoked anger among Chinese people, as the apology letter was only published on China-based Weibo, but not on more internationally-used social media like Twitter or Instagram. Many netizens commented under the message, "Post it on foreign websites, too," and "China's territory can never be taken away, not even a bit!"


11日下午,范思哲在INS、Facebook、推特等多个官方社交账号上发布中/英双语道歉声明,并附上品牌继承人暨创意总监Donatella Versace的道歉信↓↓↓


Donatella Versace, chief creative officer for the brand, said in an online statement in English and Chinese posted on Versace's Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts on Sunday afternoon that she wanted to "personally apologize for such inaccuracy and for any distress that it might have caused".


"I am deeply sorry for the unfortunate recent error that was made by our company," she said. "Never have I wanted to disrespect China's national sovereignty."


蔻驰 Coach


继范思哲之后,蔻驰(Coach) 昨天也被网友爆出不尊重中国主权,在T恤上将香港、台湾与其他国家并列。


在网友扒出的细节图中,一款蔻驰T恤背面分两列印有城市和国家名称,其中北京、上海的英文对照为China(中国),而Hong Kong(香港)后面未作任何标注,Taipei(台北)对照的则是Taiwan(台湾)。


US fashion brand Coach became one of the latest foreign fashion brands to spark fury in China over inappropriate marketing.


On one of its T-shirt designs, the brand listed Hong Kong as a separate country. Taipei was also labeled as a city of Taiwan, which is part of China.


此外,值得注意的是,在Coach官网上搜索门店时,其显示为find by country,在下拉栏中赫然显示着香港,澳门和台湾三个地名,并与中国和美国等国家并列。


12日上午,蔻驰中国区品牌代言人、超模刘雯在微博上就此发表声明。她说:“由于我选择品牌的不严谨,给大家带来了伤害,在这里我向大家道歉!” 声明还说:“任何时候,中国主权和领土的完整神圣不可侵犯!”




Chinese model Liu Wen said on her official Sina Weibo account that she had terminated her contract with Coach and strongly condemned the fashion house for hurting the feelings of the Chinese people. Liu just became Coach’s brand ambassador on July 26. 


“I want to apologize for the harm caused to everybody due to my indiscreet selection of brand to represent,” she said. “I love my country, and will adamantly safeguard China’s sovereignty. National sovereignty and territorial integrity are sacred and cannot be violated under any circumstances.”








Yesterday afternoon, Coach posted an apology letter on Weibo. "Coach consistently respects and protects China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," it says. According to the letter, since the problematic T-shirt was discovered last May, sales have stopped.




But netizens are angry about the claim. Some urge the brand to post the letter also on more internationally-used social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, while some blame it for not responding sooner.




纪梵希 Givenchy






On Monday noon, the studio of Chinese singer-actor Jackson Yee, known as Yiyang Qianxi, said in an online statement on Sina Weibo that the star had terminated his cooperation with Givenchy Beauty, the fashion brand’s perfumes and makeup line. 


“We are extremely angry at Givenchy for designing clothing that suspected of damaging China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the statement reads. “We have stopped all cooperation with Givenchy. Mr. Yee and his studio resolutely upholds the one-China principle, and adamantly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”












据《北京商报》报道,有网友指出,CALVIN KLEIN美国官网描述中也将台湾与中国割裂。


随后,CALVIN KLEIN在官微发布声明致歉。
























标签: 中国 大牌
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