易烊千玺出席青年论坛 联合国全英发言演讲!(演讲稿)

   2019-07-09 eGouz上网导航0


易烊千玺出席青年论坛 联合国全英发言演讲!(演讲稿)

Chinese singer Yi Yangqianxi , who is a World Health Organization (WHO) China special envoy for health, attends the Asia and Pacific session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, at the UN headquarters in New York, April 8, 2019.



他表示,“想要创建一个更好的社会,我们首先要从自身做起,选择健康的生活方式。” , “与此同时,我们还应该积极向身边的人伸出援手,尤其是需要帮助的儿童和青少年。” 他呼吁年轻人一起行动、做出改变。

At the Asia and Pacific session of the ongoing UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, Yi said that to build a healthier society, "we need to start with our own personal action, make healthy choices" and "we can make an effort to reach out to those who need support, including children and teenagers."


As a WHO China special envoy for health, the teenage idol has been working with the UN health agency in China since 2017 on promoting healthy lifestyles among young people. He has also been working through his fund since 2017 to support disadvantaged children.


Speaking to his fellow forum participants, he said "we are very lucky to be here" for speaking "not only for ourselves but also for children and teenagers who have difficulty participating fully in their society because of illness (or) lack of resources."


In addition, he said there are almost 7 million "left-behind children" in rural China, citing official data, and that many of them are facing physical and mental health problems in their daily lives.


He added that the Child Companion Plan, a project he champions, tries to address these issues.


Yi called upon the international community to work together toward the goal. "Our goal is giving all these children a better and healthier future."


Hello everyone. My name is Yi yangqianxi, and I am from China.


It's my pleasure to be here.


During the forum, I see some people are building better environments,some are researching medical miracles. I am very impressed.


I think we are very lucky to be here …to be invited here to speak,and we speak not only for ourselves but also for child and teenagers who have difficultly participating fully in their society because of illnesses (or) lack of resources.


I have been working with the World Health Organization in China since 2017 on promoting healthy lifestyle among young people.


To build a healthier society, we need to start with our own personal action, make healthy choices, so that we will have future we dream of.


As the same time , we can make an effort to reach out to those who need support,including children and teenagers.


They are the building blocks of our future both for urban and rural areas.


I've been working through my fund since 2017 to support children who have been left behind.


According to official date, there are almost 7 million left-behind children in rural china.


Many of them are facing physical and mental health problems, along with other kind of problem in the daily lives.

其中有很多孩子面临着身体和心理健康, 以及其他来自日常生活各方面的问题。

Our project “The Child Companion Plan” is trying hard to address these issues through the theme "one child, one family, one link".


Our goal is giving all these children a better and healthier future.


None of us can do all this alone.


We must work together to make a difference and to achieve healthier, sustainable future.


We have a phrase in china "Yi qi lai ba! ".


It means “C'mon together! Let's go!”

意思是”Come on together! Let's go!”

So I would like to ask all of you take action today, make it happen.


Let's go!, "yi qi lai ba".

Let's go! 一起来吧!

Thank you.


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