良好的阅读习惯 The Good Reading Habit

   2019-07-09 eGouz上网导航0
核心提示:My mother is a teacher, so she pays special attention to my education. Before I went to primary school, she bought me a lot of novel books. I remembered that when the hot movie Harry Porter came out, she bought me the novel the other day. I

My mother is a teacher, so she pays special attention to my education. Before I went to primary school, she bought me a lot of novel books. I remembered that when the hot movie Harry Porter came out, she bought me the novel the other day. I was so surprised and read these books quickly. Thanks to my mother, she cultivated my interest to read successfully. I keep reading books every day, even though I was busy with my homework, I would take out the books to read some chapters before I went to sleep. Reading these books helps me a lot. I am good at writing and it broadens my vision. I can give my own opinion and other students admire me. Now I start to read the classic novel. Reading makes me happy and find my world.


良好的阅读习惯 The Good Reading Habit

仍然学不好英语?Still Can’t Master English Well?

English is a very important subject for Chinese students, and now they have to learn it even in the kindergarten. Some parents are willing to spend a lot of money to let their kids master English better. While the fact is that college English teachers find that most Chinese students’ English are in the low level, this problem lies in the language background. The traditional way pays attention to the grammar. Students’ ability of speaking English has been ignored, because it works nothing in getting high marks. What’s more, as they barely have the chance to speak with local people, so they can’t master English well. Today, with the development of technology, we can have access to all kinds of resources, it is very convenient to listen to the foreigners and get used to their accent. Only the lazy students refuse to learn it well.


上大学的理由 The Reason Why I Go to University

The stage of high school is believed to be the turning point of students’ lives. After three years’ hard work, they will come to the new chapter, which is going to university. The main reason for I go to university is to realize the dream I was told all the time. Before, my teachers always told us the wonderful things in the university, such as we could make many friends from all cities and joined all kinds of activities. It sounded like the paradise for me, but later I figure out more reasons. I want to improve myself by getting higher education and master more skills, so that I can be competitive in the job market. I can take a part time job and gain the working experience to make better preparation for the future. So I must study hard to obtain my goal.


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